Here are some tips from our MedCoaches on answering CASPer Test questions.

  1. Read and understand the scenario thoroughly: Before answering, make sure you understand the situation and the emotions of all parties involved.
  2. Consider multiple perspectives: Try to put yourself in the shoes of each person in the scenario and understand their perspectives, needs and feelings.
  3. Identify the main issue: Determine the main challenge or problem in the scenario and consider how it affects all parties involved.
  4. Think about your own experiences: Use your own experiences to help you understand the situation and how you would react.
  5. Choose the most appropriate response: Select the response that best balances the needs of all parties involved and effectively addresses the main issue.
  6. Emphasize your empathy and active listening skills: Highlight how you would listen to all parties involved, understand their concerns and show empathy towards them.
  7. Use effective communication skills: Emphasize how you would use clear, respectful and non-judgmental language when communicating with each person.
  8. Consider the consequences of your actions: Think about the potential impact of your response on the parties involved and whether it resolves the main issue.
  9. Be concise and focused: Avoid providing lengthy explanations, instead, focus on the key elements that demonstrate your empathy and communication skills.
  10. For questions assessing your personal characteristics, use the STARR method to ensure that each answer is framed as a Situation, Task, Action, Result, and Reflection. For example, if the question asks about a time when you demonstrated empathy, you can use the STARR method by describing a specific situation where you showed empathy, the task at hand, the actions you took, the result of your actions, and what you learned or reflected on from the experience. This will help provide a clear and concise answer that highlights your skills and abilities in a structured manner.