The CASPer test is a situational judgement test designed to test applicant’s social and professional skills prior to inviting them for an interview. The upcoming 2023-2024 application cycle brings with it several transformative changes to the CASPer test. As an aspiring healthcare professional, it’s crucial to stay updated, so let’s dive into these modifications and explore how they might impact your test preparation and performance. And check out casper test practice questions and answers below!

A New Identity: Acuity Insights

The first big shift you’ll notice is a change of name. CASPer, Snapshot, and Duet, previously known as the Altus Suite, are now parts of an umbrella assessment called Acuity Insights. This rebranding has implications for the test components, the most significant of which is the removal of the Snapshot requirement for this cycle. But remember, the requirements may vary from school to school, so always verify each institution’s specific application requisites.

Redefined CASPer Test Format

The CASPer exam format itself has been revamped, so pay attention!

The number of scenarios has been reduced from 15 to 14.

There are two sections, the video response section and the typed response section.

The video-response section has 6 scenarios – 2 will be word-based scenarios and 4 will be text-based scenarios. The big change? You now have to answer only 2 questions per scenario instead of 3. The questions will be presented one at a time. You will have 60 seconds to record your response and you will be cut off after 60 seconds – so practice your timing!

The typed-response section will have 8 scenarios – 3 will be word-based and 5 will be video-based. You will then have 5 minutes to answer 3 open-ended questions related to each scenario, the questions are presented all together on the same page.

So to summarize, in total there will be 14 scenarios and 36 questions you need to answer.

Another bonus? The overall test duration has been trimmed down to a more compact 90-110 minutes from the former 100-120 minutes. This change makes your CASPer experience slightly shorter, allowing you to dedicate your mental stamina more efficiently.

Snapshot is Gone

The Snapshot section of the exam is being sunset and will no longer be required by any schools!

New CASPer Test Sequence: Video Before Typed

Here’s a shift that’s sure to influence your test strategy. The video section now precedes the typed section. What does this mean for you? It’s a chance to warm up and find your rhythm before you start typing. The 10-minute optional break now follows the video section, giving you a breather before you dive into the typed section. And to help you maintain your momentum, there’s a quick five-minute break nestled halfway into the typed section if you wish to take it.

A Closer Look at the Video Section on the CASPer Test

The video section’s format has also evolved. Each scenario presents you with two open-ended questions, with 60 seconds allotted for your video-recorded response to each question. Be mindful of your timing, as responses exceeding the 60-second mark will be cut off. While this might seem challenging, it’s also an opportunity to practice concise, impactful communication.

The Typed Section: More Questions, More Opportunities

While the typed section now comes later in the test, it offers three open-ended questions per scenario, presenting you with more opportunities to showcase your thought processes and problem-solving skills. However, remember to balance quantity with quality in your responses.

Updated Pricing Structure For The CASPer Test

Last but not least, let’s talk money. The CASPer test and distribution of results to eight programs now cost $85. Each additional program requires an extra $15. These fees also cover the cost of the Duet assessment if required by your schools, making it a comprehensive package.

Embrace the Change

Changes to the CASPer test format can initially feel overwhelming. But remember, these alterations are designed to create a more streamlined and efficient testing process. By understanding and adapting to these changes, you’re setting yourself up for success.

Tips and Questions about the CASPer Test

What is tested on the CASPer Test?

The skills being tested are the same, and each test will assess all of the skills which include:

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Empathy
  • Equity
  • Ethics
  • Motivation
  • Problem solving
  • Professionalism
  • Resilience
  • Self-awareness

Who rates the CASPer Test?

The scoring process for each scenario in a test is performed by a unique rater. These raters make up a diverse group that mirrors the general population. Each rater undergoes comprehensive training, including implicit bias education, to ensure they understand the gravity of their role and its potential impact on a candidate’s career. Acuity Insights has implemented a robust set of quality assurance procedures to maintain the validity and integrity of the scores assigned by its raters. Since there are 14 scenarios, you will have 14 different raters on your CASPer test!

Do I need to complete Duet?

Duet is a values assessment that helps assess whether the candidate’s values align with those of the program you are applying to. The assessment is composed of 3 categories and 7 characteristics. It is not timed but takes about 15 minutes to complete. Most candidates complete Duet (if required) about 14 days after their CASPer test. Check the official CASPer website to find out if your program requires Duet.

How to Get a High Score on The CASPer Test

We interviewed some previous CASPer test rates and here are some top tips:

  • Candidates who explain their reasoning in more detail score higher.
  • Candidates who use all of their time on the CASPer test question score higher. Use the time you have!.
  • Candidates who explain their motivation for taking a certain stance / position score higher.
  • Raters are trained to ignore spelling mistakes and grammar errors
  • Take a breath and refocus before every scenario – remember it will be a different rater

Sample CASPer Test Practice Questions and Answers

To ace the CASPer test, you must demonstrate proficiency in a wide range of skills. Let’s look at some practice questions that touch upon these key areas. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. It’s all about your thought process, empathy, communication, and problem-solving skills.


Sample CASPer Test Question:

You notice a classmate consistently dominating group discussions and not allowing others to contribute. How would you handle this situation?

Sample Answer:

I would first attempt to speak with the classmate privately, expressing my observations and concern. I would emphasize the importance of everyone’s voice and suggest ways to ensure more balanced participation. If this does not work, I would bring up the issue in the group, encouraging an open discussion about everyone’s roles and contributions.


This answer demonstrates an understanding of the importance of collaboration and the ability to handle interpersonal conflicts tactfully. It also exhibits problem-solving skills, as it proposes solutions to improve the group dynamic.


Sample CASPer Test Question:

You are working on a project with a group, and one team member is not meeting their deadlines. What would you do?

Sample Answer:

I would communicate with them directly, expressing my concern about the project’s timeline. I would ask if there are any issues that are preventing them from completing their tasks and offer help if needed. If the situation continues, I would discuss it with the team and determine the best course of action collectively.


This answer reflects good communication skills, empathy, and a willingness to help others. It also shows the ability to take initiative and problem-solve in a professional manner.


Sample CASPer Test Question:

A friend confides in you that they are struggling with mental health issues. How would you respond?

Sample Answer:

I would listen attentively, validate their feelings, and express my concern and support. I would encourage them to seek professional help and offer to accompany them if they’re comfortable. I would also check in on them regularly to ensure they know they’re not alone.


This answer shows empathy and a genuine understanding of the seriousness of mental health issues. It demonstrates the ability to communicate effectively and compassionately.


Sample CASPer Test Question:

You notice that certain groups are underrepresented in your school’s student government. What steps would you take to address this?

Sample Answer:

I would propose implementing initiatives that encourage representation from diverse groups. This could include awareness campaigns, mentorship programs, or workshops. I would also suggest reviewing the election process to ensure it is fair and inclusive.


This response demonstrates an understanding of the importance of equity and the ability to propose practical solutions to improve representation. It also shows a commitment to fairness and inclusivity.


Sample CASPer Test Question:

You catch a classmate cheating on a test. What would you do?

Sample Answer:

I would approach the classmate after the test and express my concern about their actions. If they dismiss my concerns, I would consider reporting the incident to the teacher, as academic integrity is essential for a fair learning environment.


This answer exhibits a strong ethical stance, demonstrating the importance of academic integrity. It also shows the ability to handle uncomfortable situations professionally.


Sample CASPer Test Question:

What drives you to pursue a career in medicine?

Sample Answer:

I am motivated by the desire to help others and contribute positively to their lives. The field of medicine provides an opportunity to make a significant difference in people’s health and well-being, which I find deeply rewarding.


This response effectively communicates the test-taker’s motivation and commitment to the medical field. It also demonstrates self-awareness and empathy.

Problem Solving

Sample CASPer Test Question:

Your group project is not progressingas planned due to disagreements among team members. How do you handle this situation?

Sample CASPer Test Answer:

I would first try to understand the root cause of the disagreements by facilitating an open and respectful conversation among the team members. Based on these discussions, I would work with the team to find a compromise or alternative solution that everyone can agree on, ensuring the project can move forward.


This response showcases problem-solving skills, collaboration, and communication. It demonstrates the ability to mediate conflicts and find solutions that respect everyone’s perspectives.


Sample CASPer Test Question:

You are running late for a very important meeting due to unforeseen circumstances. What would you do?

Sample Answer:

I would immediately contact the meeting organizer to inform them about the situation and provide an estimated time of arrival. I would apologize for any inconvenience caused and ensure that I am prepared to contribute as soon as I join the meeting.


This response reflects professionalism and effective communication. It shows an understanding of the importance of respecting others’ time and maintaining responsibility even in challenging situations.


Sample CASPer Test Question:

Describe a time when you faced a significant challenge. How did you overcome it?

Sample Answer:

During my second year of university, I struggled with balancing my course load, part-time job, and extracurricular activities. I overcame this by seeking advice from academic counselors, prioritizing my commitments, and improving my time management skills. It was a challenging period, but it taught me the importance of resilience and adaptability.


This response demonstrates resilience and problem-solving skills. It shows the ability to seek help when needed, learn from challenging situations, and implement effective strategies for improvement.


Sample CASPer Test Question:

What is a weakness you have, and how are you working on improving it?

Sample Answer:

One area I’ve been working on is my tendency to take on too many tasks at once. I’ve realized this can lead to stress and reduced productivity. To improve, I’ve been practicing saying “no” when necessary and prioritizing tasks based on their importance and deadlines.


This response reflects self-awareness and the ability to recognize personal areas for improvement. It also shows the willingness to take steps towards personal growth and development.

More CASPer Test Resources

Check our official articles on PubMed like this one to help you understand the history of the CASPer

Looking for more practice? Try one of our CASPer practice tests!

Check out our CASPer Test book on Amazon!

Summing Up!

The CASPer test is a big one to prepare for but with the right practice you will be well on your way towards that interview invite! It is highly recommended that you watch the official CASPer test orientation video for the 2023-2024 cycle. Good luck!