l’EACMC Partie 1: Guide complet pour réussir

l’EACMC Partie 1: Guide complet pour réussir

Introduction au EACMCQu’est-ce que l’EACMC Partie I ?Structure détaillée de l’examen EACMCQuestions à Choix Multiples (QCM)Prise de Décisions Cliniques (CDM)Entraînement Spécifique pour le CDMSystème de Notation de l’EACMC Partie IRessources de...
FmProC Practice Questions and Tips for Test Day

FmProC Practice Questions and Tips for Test Day

If you are applying to Family Medicine residency in Canada, you may be required to take the FMPROC as part of your application to CaRMS. This article aims to provide comprehensive insight into the Family Medicine Professional Reasoning and Communication (FmPROC) exam...
CASPer Test: What’s New in 2023-2024

CASPer Test: What’s New in 2023-2024

The CASPer test is a situational judgement test designed to test applicant’s social and professional skills prior to inviting them for an interview. The upcoming 2023-2024 application cycle brings with it several transformative changes to the CASPer test. As an...