General CASPer Test Tips

Welcome to MiniCASPer by MedCoach

We are grateful that you have decided to work with MedCoach for your CASPer prep.

We promise not to disappoint!

Before starting your test, we thought it might be a good idea to give you some general tips.

Once you have submitted your test, and if you have purchased your test with feedback/scoring, your coach will also provide much more detailed feedback on each one of your answers.

General Instructions For The Best User Experience

Once you start your test, you will be required to work straight through the test. So make sure you have time set aside to focus on the test!

You will not be able to restart or save your answers, just like the real test.
There are 4 sections on this test and each section contains one text based scenario, or a video scenario.
Once you have been presented with the scenario, you will be prompted to respond to 3 questions.
You will have a total of 5 minutes to answer all questions in each section. You may answer the questions in any order that you wish.

At the end of the test, you will also have access to top-scoring answers.


Some things to keep in mind for your answers:

1. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers. Write what comes to your mind and stay honest and true to yourself. The questions are designed to explore your thought process and problem-solving skills.

2. Spelling and grammar errors will not be counted in the evaluation of the responses. Our coaches are trained to ignore spelling mistakes. If you are using an abbreviation, make sure it is an abbreviation that is commonly used (and avoid slang).

3. Keep in mind that on the real CASper test, evaluators will see only the section they are scoring, so do not refer back to something you have written in a previous section.

4. Hitting the “back”, “forward” or “refresh” button will result in your typed responses to disappear while the countdown time will keep on running! Only use the buttons visible on each page.



TIP #1: Maximize your typing speed

At the end of the day, the CASPer test is a typed test that is taken online. The faster you type, the more you will be able to express yourself in the time limit that you have.
It is strongly suggested that you practice and maximize your typing prior to your test, in order to maximize your chances on the CASper exam.

You can check your typing speed with this tool here:

TIP #2: Be Professional

In real life, we often use more relaxed vocabulary. However, on the CASper test, you want to try and use vocabulary that demonstrates your maturity and professionalism (as these are both important skills that are required for medicine and are being looked at on the CASPer test). First think about how you would answer the question in person, and then type it up while upgrading your vocabulary to a more professional tone.

TIP #3: Read all of the Questions on the page

Remember, you only have 5 minutes to answer all 3 questions on the page. Read all of the questions first to see which questions might require a longer/more in-depth answer, and then manage your time appropriately. Sometimes the subsequent questions might hint at what direction they want you to take your answer.

TIP #4: Don’t just state the obvious – go deeper

On the CASPer Test, you need to show that you can evaluate a situation objectively. This means addressing all perspectives/sides of an issue. Try to come up with multiple possibilities regarding why a situation is the way it is. And just like in a debate, try to see the issue from both sides of the coin. The deeper you can go with your thought process, the easier it will be for the evaluator to understand the way you think. At the end of the day, this is a “pre-interview” of sorts, so show them your true self!

TIP #5: Compare and Learn

If you have purchased your test with feedback you will have access to a list of top scoring questions from other students, as well as details about the scoring method we use and the average scores that students obtain. Study these answers carefully and compare them to your own to see where you can improve!