All MedCoach Reviews

653 Reviews

April 23, 2024
Yasmine m’a beaucoup aidée dans ma préparation aux MEM. Plusieurs de ses conseils m’ont servie pendant les vraies entrevues. Elle est bien au courant des enjeux sociétaux actuels, ce qui est vraiment aidant pour ceux qui lisent moins les nouvelles. Ses mises en situation et questions sont très variées, uniques et bien réfléchies, ce qui rend les pratiques efficaces et permet d’apprendre à se débrouiller dans toute sorte de situation. Ses feedbacks sont très détaillées et intelligents, ce qui est très aidant. Elle est trop gentille en plus; je recommande fortement!
April 18, 2024

Très bon coach qui est franc sur ce que tu dois pratiquer et ajuster pour les MEM.

April 16, 2024

Yasmine analyse en profondeur nos réponses en mentionnant les points forts et ceux à améliorer. Elle est particulièrement investie lors des feedbacks de sorte qu’on en tire constamment des apprentissages! Merci!

April 16, 2024

Ahmed est très à l’écoute de nos préoccupations. Il m’a beaucoup encouragé et ça se voit qu’il est investit dans notre amélioration!

April 16, 2024

The coaching session I had with Ahmed provided me with more information than I had anticipated. He is a very patient and informed tutor that guided through the steps to take when faced with the different scenarios, as well as giving me tips to improve. Would certainly recommend!

April 14, 2024

Excellent tutor, super organized and very insightful. His tips are unique and interesting and he notices little details during role playing scenarios that help enhance your performance. 10/10 would always recommend!

April 14, 2024

Evan m’a donné des bons conseils sur la préparation et a pointé le doigt sur ce que je dois amélioré

April 14, 2024

Anissa m’a été d’une grande aide dans ma préparation au MMI et m’a donné de solides conseils pour bien réussir.

April 14, 2024

La rencontre fut très enrichissante. Ahmed m’a donné une rétroaction précise et honnête.

April 13, 2024

During my session with Ahmed, we discussed direction and possibilities in Quebec’s medical universities. He was very informed and gave good tips, really adapting and trying to see my situation from all sides to give me sound advice. He was really patient and understanding of my situation.

April 13, 2024

Mihai m’a beaucoup aidée à m’améliorer. Il me donnait toujours de très bons conseils et remarques. Il donnait des réponses détaillées à toutes mes questions et préoccupations. C’est un très bon coach!

April 13, 2024

Mihai m’a vraiment donné de très bons conseils sur comment améliorer mes réponses et il a très bien répondu à mes inquiétudes après chaque scénario. Il m’a pointé mes points faibles et comment je peux les résoudre. Il est un excellent coach que je recommande fortement.

April 13, 2024

I booked a session with Yasmine to discuss the general roadmap for my studies. She gave me lots of advice that was relevant to my specific situation and discussed alternatives that I wouldn’t have considered. She was patient with my questions (I had a lot!) and straightforward with her responses. She was really nice and I would totally book another session with her!

April 12, 2024

Très bon coach qui est empathique et attentif. Il a su cibler mes points faibles et on a travaillé dessus pendant notre séance. Je recommande fortement.

April 11, 2024

J’ai vraiment apprécié ma session avec Ahmed! Il m’a donné des feedback très utiles et il m’encourage beaucoup! Merci beaucoup!

April 10, 2024

Ahmed m’a fait sentir très à l’aise et m’a donné beaucoup plus de confiance par rapport aux MEM. Il est “down-to-earth” et ses explications sur les MEM sont extrêmement utiles surtout pour ceux qui en sont moins familiers.

April 10, 2024

Excellent coach. Il m’a bien expliqué les points importants à ressortir dans mes réponses et m’a donné plusieurs conseils très utiles pour bien réussir mes entrevues.

April 10, 2024

Donne de très bon conseils pour aider à s’améliorer. Droit au but avec son approche.

April 10, 2024

Very good coach!

April 9, 2024

Très bon coach! Il semblait très organisé, m’a bien expliqué le principe des MEMs au début de notre session, et il était encourageant tout en donnant des conseils utiles.

April 9, 2024

Mihai donne beaucoup de commentaires constructifs. Après chaque réponse, il me donne des idées sur des aspects dont je n’ai pas parlé dans ma réponse, ce qui me permet d’avoir une vue plus vaste sur le sujet. Il fait aussi attention à la forme de la réponse, soit la structure, et si j’avais des tics de langage, il me les faisait remarquer.

April 9, 2024

Hi anyone reading this. If you are skeptical about choosing a coach, then you shouldn’t be anymore. He is someone very disciplined, calm, there to help and understands very well others. He will adapt to your weaknesses and make you better in rapid time, while having perfect knowledge of what is required. I would even recommend to french speaker who can speak english, but struggle. It’s that worth it.

April 8, 2024

Très bonne coach, empathique et qui donne des bons conseils pour la préparation !

April 8, 2024

Un excellent coach! Il était très enthousiaste et il m’a aidé beaucoup. On a pratiqué des différentes situations et il avait des bonnes suggestions/bons conseils 🙂 – Merci Ahmed pour votre aide !

April 7, 2024

Mihai a été d’une grande aide dès le début, sérieux dans son engagement à m’assister. Il était patient et attentif. J’ai particulièrement apprécié les petits conseils et astuces qu’il m’a donnés pour améliorer encore mes réponses.

April 7, 2024

Ahmed était vraiment un tuteur patient et compréhensif. Il m’a beaucoup aidé à me sentir prêt pour mes entretiens, mais il savait aussi quand donner des conseils pour d’autres améliorations. J’ai particulièrement apprécié la façon dont il m’a guidé à travers plusieurs scénarios et savait comment tirer davantage de mes réponses.

April 7, 2024

Mihai m’a donné des excellents conseils sur mes réponses MEM. Il a identifié des points faibles dans mes réponses que je n’avais jamais remarquées auparavant et il m’a donné des astuces pour mieux performer dans les stations MEM.

April 7, 2024

J’ai eu une session avec Coralie afin de me préparer pour les MEMs, et j’ai adoré! Elle était super encourageante , m’a fait me sentir à l’aise, et elle m’a donné des astuces utiles.

April 6, 2024

Arianna ciblait des éléments pertinents à ajouter pour que je réponde complètement aux questions typiques des MEM! Elle n’hésitait pas à souligner mes points forts et mes points à améliorer. Avec le calme et la confiance qu’elle dégage, elle rend le processus de préparation vraiment agréable. Bref, elle m’a bien outillé pour passer les entrevues!

April 5, 2024

Arianna était très gentille et voulait sincèrement aider. Je me sentais vraiment comfortable avec elle. De plus, elle donnait de bonnes suggestions et des critiques constructives.

April 5, 2024

Ahmed m’a beaucoup aidé a perfectionné mon approche face aux entrevues MEM tout en étant sympathique et facile d’approche, je le recommande donc sans hésiter!

April 5, 2024

Nour est une coach super gentille et rassurante! Elle m’a aidée à reconnaitre les points essentiels à incorporer dans mes réponses pour mieux exprimer mes idées et m’a donné une nouvelle perspective sur comment gérer mon stress. Je recommande Nour fortement!

April 5, 2024

Ahmed a donné d’excellentes lignes directives pour se préparer aux MEM et tire beaucoup de ses expériences personnelles pour donner des conseils. Excellent coach!

April 4, 2024

Super professionnelle, elle donne des commentaires constructifs qui te font vraiment réfléchir.
Elle est bien préparée à la séance et elle propose des scénarios variés qui font pratiquer plusieurs situations.
Je recommande fortement Nour!

April 3, 2024

Très bon coach! J’aime beaucoup ses exemples de MEMS. Ahmed explique très bien les qualités recherchées chez les candidats aux MEMS.

April 2, 2024

Great experience! Super helpful and kind.
(Update: Another great session with Ahmed! Highly recommend)

April 1, 2024

Excellent suivi, a très bien répondu à mes questions!

April 1, 2024

A donné de très bons conseils. Merci !!

April 1, 2024

Excellente coach très à l’écoute. Merci !!

April 1, 2024

Evan donne d’excellents conseils pour se préparer aux entrevues en médecine. Il explicite les points à améliorer et insiste sur les forces que l’on doit mettre de l’avant. Je sais maintenant sur quels aspects des entrevues je dois travailler!

March 30, 2024

Ahmed donne de très bons feedbacks sur les différents scénarios que nous faisons ensemble. Il n’hésite pas à me dire les éléments à travailler sur ma réponse et il me fait pratiquer des scénarios qui englobent tous les types de scénarios que l’on peut rencontrer durant le CASPer ou les MEMs

March 16, 2024

Yasmine was very insightful and helpful with my coaching session! She reviewed my responses and gave me insight on how I could improve on each one and had really good MMI questions to ask that are different from stuff online. The feedback was very concrete as to how to improve on my answers, with examples of what I could have added.

March 12, 2024

Yasmine was a very kind, professional, and helpful Medcoach! It was definitely the right choice investing in a session with her, and it has helped me improve. Thank you so much Yasmine!

March 5, 2024

Seb is an excellent coach! He is very accommodating and very kind to talk to. He offered me a lot of great suggestions and asked personal questions I’d never seen before.

March 5, 2024

Yasmine is a fantastic tutor! Every session she provides excellent insights as to where my answers were lacking and provides concrete suggestions for how to improve. She knows what they are looking for and helps you bring your answers to the next level. She also asks questions that you won’t find in a Google search! Yasmine is very nice and very accommodating 🙂

February 29, 2024

J’ai eu la chance d’avoir trois rencontres avec Yasmine qui a été une coach remarquable ! Ce qui m’a marqué est d’abord son approche attentionnée ; elle a pris le temps de regarder mon CV et de prendre en compte mes expériences personnelles afin d’enrichir mes réponses. Elle m’a donné de précieux conseils qui ont amélioré ma formulation et ont augmenté ma confiance en moi. Je recommande vivement Yasmine comme coach à quiconque recherche un coach qui ira au bout des concepts à savoir pour offrir une préparation approfondie aux entrevues en médecine !

February 27, 2024

Yasmine is a wonderful coach!!!! She has very good advice, and really listens and is very patient. I think I’ve improved so much practicing with her. She is also a very lovely person <3

February 26, 2024

J’ai eu une expérience très agréable avec Yasmine. Je me sens désormais mieux préparé à aborder mes entrevues.

February 20, 2024

Je recommande vivement Arianna. Elle a pris le temps d’évaluer et d’écouter mes besoins attentivement, m’a aidé aide à comprendre comment aborder différents scénarios. Sa manière simple de structurer ses conseils a été vraiment utile.

February 18, 2024

Je donnerais une note de 10/10 pour ma première rencontre de mentorat avec Yasmine. Elle a pris le temps de prendre en compte mes expériences, mon parcours académique et mes forces. Elle m’a surprise et «challenger» avec des questions qui ont poussé ma réflexion critique quant à certains enjeux. Également, elle a été en mesure de me donner des trucs afin de mieux formuler mes réponses. J’ai adoré, je recommande fortement!

February 17, 2024

Alex has been tremendously helpful with my prep for McGill OOP interview! She has great practice questions and roleplay capabilities so you feel extra prepared for whatever the interviewers throw at you. Highly recommend Alex since she always has your best interests in mind, and will make sure you’re feeling confident for the big day!

February 16, 2024

Yasmine m’a vraiment beaucoup aidé. Elle a préparé des questions pertinentes à mes expériences et donner du très bon feedback ! Merci beaucoup 🙂

February 14, 2024

Alex has been incredibly helping for mmi prep. highly recommend

February 14, 2024

J’ai eu une très bonne expérience de mentorat avec Yasmine. Je lui avais demandé s’il était possible de pratiquer les entrevues de type standard et elle a été très efficace et précise dans ses rétroactions. ^-^!

February 11, 2024

Tudor was great to work with last year for interview prep. He is very professional and gave great advice on my weaknesses which helped me perform well on my interview.

February 9, 2024

Richard was very helpful in the application process! He was very detailed in providing feedback during the sessions. I would definitely recommend!

February 7, 2024

Yasmine is an incredible coach and an even better person. She is extremely understanding and gives very good advice. Elle peut aussi coacher en français! What I loved about my session with her is that she is very honest and doesn’t wait to tell you what you should do better and how to do it. She is direct and understanding. Her feedback is very relevant and concise which gives u more time to practice with her. She adapts very well. For example, I specifically asked her to ask harder questions for my Casper preparation. They were original questions that helped me develop my way of thinking even further. She goes out of her way to help. She also helped me for my cv. I very very very much recommend her:)

January 27, 2024

Kevin was great to work with! He offered excellent insight and advice that was specific to my strengths and weaknesses. Thanks again!

January 27, 2024

Benson was super informative of high yield topics for UofT vMPI and provided super helpful feedback! Really appreciated his insight and highly recommend!

January 23, 2024

I recently had the pleasure of working with Kevin for interview preparation, and I cannot express how grateful I am for the invaluable guidance and support I received. I wholeheartedly give them a 5/5 star rating!

January 20, 2024

Benson was organized, friendly, and gave insightful feedback. He was very helpful in my interview prep for Usask. I would highly recommend Benson as a coach.

January 17, 2024

Henry helped me with MMI interview prep. He had really good availability, great feedback and was really easy to work with. He has a lot of experience with multiple schools. I highly recommend him.

January 16, 2024

Benson is an awesome coach, he provided very insightful comments for interview prep, I would recommend him to everyone!

January 16, 2024

J’ai beaucoup aimé travailler avec Arianna. Ses conseils sont pertinents et personnalisés à nos besoins. Elle est aussi très réaliste et permet de se sentir plus en confiance par rapport au test. Je la recommande énormément. Merci pour tout!!

January 16, 2024

I recently had the pleasure of being coached by Simran, and I cannot express how grateful I am for the invaluable guidance and support I received. From the outset, Simran demonstrated a deep understanding of the intricacies of the interview process. They meticulously assessed my strengths and weaknesses, tailoring the preparation plan to address specific areas for improvement.
Simran was very accommodating with the interview time when I had to reschedule last minute. It is clear that she cares about the success of those she coaches and her guidance gave me the confidence I needed to my best foot forward in my first medical school MMI. Overall, Simran’s expertise and dedication played a pivotal role in my success, and I wholeheartedly give them a five-star review.

January 14, 2024

Très bons commentaires et explications efficaces pour aller chercher le plus de points possible. Bon retour global à la fin des tests aussi.

January 11, 2024

Très bonne coach, elle donne des très bon conseils. Je recommande fortement!

Dynamique, efficace et supers conseils! Merci encore!

December 14, 2023

I’m grateful for Benson’s outstanding support in strengthening my med school applications. His professionalism, dedication, and insightful feedback have been instrumental. Benson’s considerate approach and commitment to excellence make him an invaluable MD application coach. I highly recommend him.

December 3, 2023

Evan gave a lot of helpful and useful advice during our class and would always clearly answer any questions I had. Thank you!

November 20, 2023

Kevin helped me with MMI preparation. His guidance was invaluable in preparing me for the challenging scenarios. His constructive feedback built my confidence. He navigated through diverse scenarios, ensuring I was well-prepared. Highly recommend!

November 18, 2023

Yasameen was super helpful in my CASPer test and my BS/MD interview preparation! Her detailed advice and her gentle, simple walkthroughs through the steps in each process helped me gain the confidence I needed to do the CASPer test and the BS/MD interview. Thank you so much for your help, Yasameen!

November 4, 2023

Evan m’a beaucoup aidé à me préparer pour l’examen Casper.

November 4, 2023

Un grand merci à Ariana. C’est un excellent coach. Elle a fait un excellent travail et a été très efficace pour me booster et me donner confiance en moi. Son coaching a été un complément nécessaire à ma préparation pour Casper.

October 30, 2023

J’ai très apprécié ma séance, elle explique très bien et m’a guidé sur comment répondre aux questions.

October 16, 2023

Ariane est une excellente coach! Je la recommande fortement. Elle est toujours à l’écoute, a pris le temps de répondre à toutes mes questions, et elle m’a donné d’excellents exemples et conseils à suivre 🙂 Merci Ariane!

October 15, 2023

Très bonne coach à l’écoute. Je me sentais à l’aise de lui donner mes réponses et elle ciblait parfaitement mes besoins. Merci !

October 14, 2023

J’ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer Felicia pour mon tout premier one-on-one coaching et elle a été formidable! Elle était si souriante et aimable, et m’a donné beaucoup de trucs qu’elle a elle-même utilisé pour la réussite de son Casper. Malgré toutes mes questions, elle a fait preuve de patience et m’a expliqué chaque détail, tout en me rassurant. Elle s’est également penchée sur mon parcours, afin de m’orienter dans la formulation de mes réponses à des questions plus personnelles. Un grand merci, Felicia!

October 14, 2023

J’ai eu l’opportunité d’avoir un coaching one-on-one avec Yasmine, et cette session a été extrêmement bénéfique pour moi! J’avais exprimé mon souhait d’avoir des questions axées sur la politique et l’actualité, surtout celles qui sont difficiles ou déstabilisantes, et elle a parfaitement saisi mes attentes. Yasmine m’a fourni de nombreux feedbacks constructifs pour me permettre de progresser. Vraiment, une coach hors pair!

October 11, 2023

Benson is great. His unwavering support extends beyond the classroom, always ready to provide guidance and reassurance. He has an organized approach in mentoring and can provide you with detailed feedbacks. Thank you Benson!

October 8, 2023

Arianna est une excellente coach! Elle a pris le temps de me connaitre comme étudiante et comme personne durant notre session pour l’examen Casper. En plus, elle a adapté son style d’enseignement en basant sur mes besoins académiques. Grace à elle, je me sens plus confiante dans mes capacités à répondre aux questions Casper. Je la recommande fortement!

October 3, 2023

Arianna est très efficace et m’a aidé a gagner beacoup de confiance. Elle transmet d’une façon claire et précise ses connaissances, donc ça vaut vraiment la peine de la rencontrer!

September 29, 2023

Benson helped edit my UWO & UofT application essays. He provided thoughtful & effective advice very efficiently. While he is clearly a fantastic writer & editor, he is also just a really approachable individual. I can tell that he’d also be a great person to consult for interviews. Thanks Benson, you’re a legend!

September 25, 2023

J’ai beaucoup apprécié le temps que Felicia a pris avec moi afin de m’aider. Elle a été très compréhensive et flexible avec l’horaire de l’appel.

Felicia m’a beaucoup aidé dans mon appel avec elle. Elle a fait un survol de mes réponses du test pratique Casper que j’ai effectué il y a quelques semaines. Elle est allé plus loin que les commentaires laissés sous mes réponses et m’a expliqué en détail ce que j’aurais pu améliorer ainsi que ce que j’ai bien fait.

Elle a également répondu à toutes mes questions, même si certaines d’entre elles étaient un peu redondantes. Elle a été très détaillée dans ses explications et a donné des exemples afin de pousser ses réponses.

En fin de compte, je recommande fortement Felicia comme coach.

September 22, 2023

La façon d’enseigner d’Arianna est super efficace pour moi. Elle me fait beaucoup pratiquer sur des questions de type CASper et elle me donne des commentaires très spécifiques sur les bons et les mauvais éléments de ma réponse. Elle me donne des stratégies pour améliorer mes réponses et elle me propose d’autres éléments de réponses auxquels je n’avais pas pensé. Le format de son cours est très dynamique et ça me permet de me dépasser !

September 12, 2023

Je vous la recommande fortement, elle donne des bons conseils comment bien améliorer tes réponses! Elle donne des excellents et constructifs commentaires sur tes réponses pour les rendre meilleur. Elle te fait pratiquer bien aussi! She is just the best! Go book an appointment with her, you won’t regret!

September 11, 2023

Abe was really helpful in brainstorming ideas for my application. He was in depth and concise. I plan to attend more sessions by him in the future.

September 5, 2023

Explications vraiment très claires, et de bons conseils pour des améliorations.

September 3, 2023

It was a wonderful experience with her. As her first mentoring session, she was very cheerful and outgoing. She is also very willing to help give detailed feedback on how I could better prepare for the CASPer test and tips I could improve on. Overall, she is knowledgeable and polite, and I would highly recommend her!

September 1, 2023

Ahmed is one of the best coaches I have ever worked with. He really helps make my essays more clear and to the point! He also provides great feedback and is very responsible. Highly recommend him!

August 20, 2023

Djalica’s help was truly valuable. Her thorough guidance made a tangible difference. I especially appreciated her expertise in guiding me through the interview process. With her support, what felt like a stressful task became manageable. Djalica’s approachable nature and skill in simplifying complex concepts were highly valuable. She’s a dependable teacher who played a significant role in my application.

August 20, 2023

I’m truly grateful for Aliceson who guided me through the application process. Their patient support and thorough explanations made it all manageable. Not only did they help me understand each step, but their insights also enhanced my application significantly. Their approachable attitude created an environment where no question felt too small. I highly recommend Aliceson to anyone in need of a knowledgeable and supportive guide. They made a real difference in my application.

June 20, 2023

Patrick was a fantastic MMI coach! He provided general MMI tips to start and then gave detailed personalized feedback after each practice response. He had a range of practice questions and was flexible when practicing different MMI styles for different schools. Although Patrick gave a lot of constructive criticism he was very positive and encouraging, helping me stay motivated throughout my interview prep process. I also really appreciated that Patrick had insight as to what responses were more unique and helped me identify ways that I could stand out. Overall, Patrick is a great coach and I definitely recommend him to anyone wanting to excel at interviews!

May 30, 2023

Hannah was able to offer me a lot of help with my interviewing skills and she accommodated any requests for how I wanted our session to be ran. Thanks to her I felt very confident going into my actual interview and was able to get the results that I wanted. I would highly recommend!

May 9, 2023

Hannah was a phenomenal coach. She was very professional and organized in every one of our sessions. I felt that she really helped prepare me for every style of question I saw in the McMaster MMI including acting scenarios which can always be tricky. I felt that she was helpful at every stage of my practice from the beginning to the very end. She gave great feedback and really knew where to focus efforts for maximum results. I would recommend Hannah as a coach to anyone looking to interview for MD programs, it is money well spent!

May 5, 2023

Djalica was extremely helpful! She offered great advice for the MMIs, was very encouraging, and really helped relieve stress! I strongly recommend booking an appointment with her. She makes you feel comfortable, is very friendly, and gives very helpful tips!

May 2, 2023

Très belle expérience avec Djalica. Nous avons pu revoir ensemble plusieurs scénarios de MEM, ses rétroactions m’ont permis de mieux me préparer et d’être plus confiant aux MEM. Elle est très professionnelle, patiente et dévouée afin de vous donner les meilleures chances de réussite aux MEM.
Je vous la recommande 1000X.

April 25, 2023

Ariane est une excellente coach. Elle était très flexible, à l’écoute et m’a donné beaucoup de bons conseils pour les entrevues. Je la recommande fortement!

April 25, 2023

Raquel est une excellente coach. Elle m’a donné beaucoup de bons conseils pour les entrevues. Je la recommande!

April 25, 2023

Djalica est une excellente coach. Elle était à l’écoute et m’a donné beaucoup de bons conseils pour les entrevues. Je la recommande fortement!

April 24, 2023

Hannah was so supportive and helpful. She genuinely tries to get to know you and your goals and make the most out of the time together as possible. The constructive feedback she provided was extremely valuable and helped me reflect on my answers and areas for improvement. Her friendly and encouraging personality also made me feel a lot more reassured and confident. Thank you so much!

April 20, 2023

Hannah was such a great coach! She was so supportive and took the time to get to know my goals and how she could best support me heading into my MMI’s. We practiced many different types of questions and her feedback was always supportive, constructive and valuable. She has a lovely energy about her that made me feel comfortable and gave me confidence heading into my interviews!

April 20, 2023

Kacylia was such a great coach! She took the time to get to know me and my goals going into my MMI interviews. She gave great feedback which always outlined my strengths and was constructive, encouraged me to think outside of the box and be unique! After our sessions I felt very confident going into my interviews and allowed me to be successful!

April 16, 2023

Arianne est une coach organisée, à l’écoute de nos besoins et honnête dans ses rétroactions ! Durant l’heure de coaching, elle a su me présenter des exemples concrets de questions possible aux MEMs et donner des pistes de solutions pour améliorer chacune de mes réponses !! Après la rencontre, elle a envoyé plusieurs documents pour approfondir ma préparation aux entrevues de médecine. Je la recommande fortement pour une préparation optimale!

April 16, 2023

J’ai adoré ma session avec Ariane. Elle a vraiment pris le temps de répondre à toutes mes questions, de m’outiller pour répondre à certains types de questions de MEM classiques avec un modèle et de me fournir plusieurs documents très pertinents.

Elle est souriante, à l’écoute et vraiment honnête lors de la séance, alors je n’ai pas de doute qu’elle fera un bon médecin et qu’elle a les capacités à aider d’autres étudiants à en devenir aussi.

April 16, 2023

Ariane a tout simplement été formidable durant mon heure de coaching. Elle n’hésite pas à te demander comment tu veux organiser la réunion et elle se prépare de façon rigoureuse pour être la plus efficace possible. Ses rétroactions sont justes et pertinent avec une touche d’humanité qui te donne confiance et t’encourage pour la suite. Je recommande aux candidats MEM de la choisir en tant que coach, car elle te prépare vraiment bien aux entrevues.

April 13, 2023

Noémie est une excellente coach. Lors de la préparation des entrevues de médecine, elle a donné des explications claires et précises et a bien répondu à mes questions et inquiétudes. Les scénarios de pratique ont été très pertinents et m’ont permis d’identifier d’autres scénarios de pratique et a donné des conseils et commentaires constructifs pour améliorer la réponse. L’expérience a été agréable et pertinente. Je la recommande fortement. Merci!

April 12, 2023

Kacylia est une très bonne coach. J’ai pris des sessions de coaching avec elle pour les MEM. Elle t’aide à explorer diffferents types de scénarios avec différentes réponses possibles. Je la recommande.

April 10, 2023

J’ai eu une rencontre avec Noémie dans le but de préparer mes MEM. Elle m’a contactée à l’avance pour déterminer mes objectifs pour la rencontre et a ainsi préparé des questions variées selon mes besoins. Elle est dynamique et m’a donné des commentaires constructifs qui me font sentir déjà bien plus outillée pour mes entrevues.

April 9, 2023

Djalica est patiente, professionnelle et donne des conseils très pertinents pour la pratique des MEMS. J’ai trouvé ma session avec elle très pertinente et j’en ressors beaucoup plus prêt pour mes entrevues.

April 8, 2023

Kacylia was really helpful in MMI coaching. She offered great advice! She was very organized and super knowledgeable! I definitely recommend booking her for a session.

Les commentaires et les rétroactions d’Arianna m’ont permis de bien me préparer à des questions que l’on peut possiblement avoir aux MEMFI. Arianna est patiente et approfondit les réponses que j’ai données pour me permettre de mieux les retravailler. Je recommande fortement de prendre une session avec cette coach, elle est excellente !

April 7, 2023

Je recommande Kacylia fortement. J’ai eu une séance avec elle pour la préparation aux MEMs. Elle est patiente et à l’écoute de toutes tes questions. Sa rétroaction te permet de comprendre comment améliorer tes réponses. De plus, elle te donne plusieurs techniques et conseils pour te préparer hors de la séance de coaching. Elle utilise aussi un powerpoint très utile qui te donne de l’information additionnelle. Elle est professionnelle et agréable. Je vais certainement reprendre une séance avec elle. Merci beaucoup!

April 5, 2023

Djalica est une super bonne coach. Durant ma séance de préparation au MEM, elle m’a donné des techniques afin de bien construire et peaufiner mes réponses. De plus, elle donne plusieurs autres conseils à la préparation aux MEM autres que les façons de répondre. C’est sure que je prends d’autres séances avec elle.

April 5, 2023

Ariane est une super coach! J’ai eu un rendez-vous avec elle en vue de me préparer au test Casper et elle m’a donné de précieux conseils et une foule d’exemples concrets qui m’ont aidée à bien réussir ce test. Je l’ai aussi rencontrée il y a une semaine pour ma préparation aux MEM et aux entrevues de médecine dentaire et je me sens maintenant beaucoup plus confiante et outillée. En plus, elle est toujours souriante et très rassurante:)

April 4, 2023

Kacylia est une excellente coach! Elle est très préparée et m’a donné d’excellents conseils concernant les MEMs. Elle a une banque de questions prête pour nous préparer à tout et nous donne une excellente rétroaction pour chacune de nos réponses. Elle est très utile et je compte planifier une seconde réunion avec elle!

April 1, 2023

J’ai eu une superbe expérience avec Arianna! Elle est très ouverte aux questions et n’a pas peur de te donner son avis réel par rapport à ta performance. Elle va à ton rythme et t’aide à pousser ta réflexion. Je prendrais certainement une autre session avec elle!!

March 29, 2023

Kacylia était très informative sur le processus des MEM. Elle donne des conseils vraiment créatifs et originaux qui ne m’ont pas été suggérés avant. De plus, elle montre des structures très faciles à appliquer pour les différentes types de question des entrevues souvent pas couverts dans les sites Web. Je la recommende fortement pour une préparation adéquate aux entrevues MEM!

March 28, 2023

De très bon conseils et une grande aide personnalisée!

March 27, 2023

I had the pleasure of working with Hannah and I cannot recommend her more. From the very first session, I knew I was in good hands. Hannah has a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to interviewing and she was able to provide me with invaluable guidance and support.
Not only did Hannah help me identify my strengths and weaknesses as an interviewee, but she also gave me practical tips and strategies for acing interviews. She helped me improve my communication skills, my confidence, and learn strategies for answering tough interview questions.
Hannah really makes the effort to get to know you as a person, help identify your goals, and provide specific and constructive feedback. She really has perfected the personalized approach to interview prep.
Overall, thanks to Hannah, I was able to land my dream specialty and I ultimately became more confident and prepared for future interviews. I couldn’t recommend her more to any future applicant!

March 25, 2023

Malcolm is a kind, attentive, and motivating coach. He offered very help tips during our practice session and renewed my sense of confidence – which is so important, given how difficult MD applications are. I’m so grateful for all of his help, he is a wonderful mentor!

March 15, 2023

I did multiple sessions with Hannah and these were extremely helpful for my preparation. She always had lots of insightful and relevant feedback. I went into my interview feeling much more confident thanks to Hannah!

March 15, 2023

I did one session with Kacylia the week before my interview, so I was in the final stages of my preparation, and I felt that it was extremely helpful. She gave me genuine and helpful feedback that made me think deeper about my answers. I would recommend booking a session with Kacylia!

March 11, 2023

Ahmed is very helpful in my MMI prep. He is kind and encouraging. He helped me a lot with building confidence and gave me a lot of useful tips for to improve my answer. Highly recommend for anyone who is practicing MMI.

March 10, 2023

Hannah is extremely helpful! She runs the session super efficiently with amazing back-to-back questions and gave insightful feedbacks. I would highly recommend her to anyone. She is very supportive as well.

March 7, 2023

I was able to complete one session with Jae. Provided lots of helpful feedback that created a strong foundation of what I needed to work on. Provided insight on not only the verbal component but aspects that accompany that during an interview. Highly recommend.

March 3, 2023

Jae is super helpful and gave great feedback. He is very kind and honest and I learned so much form my session with him.

March 1, 2023

Patrick was very helpful and had great feedback that was adaptive to how I wanted feedback which was super appreciated! He’s also very nice and kind and really listened to your responses. He took into consideration your own opinions and thoughts to come up with good feedback.

March 1, 2023

Richard was super helpful and had really thoughtful feedback! He’s also very flexible with his scheduling and quick to respond! Would highly recommend.

February 27, 2023

Jae has been extremely helpful in panel interview preparation! He provided personal and ethics-based questions and offered insightful suggestions on how I could improve. He takes a lot of time to address critical aspects of an interview response, and how best to structure responses to clearly communicate your ideas and your story!

February 25, 2023

Kacylia was extremest helpful for CV preparation and general questions about the entire application process. I would strongly recommend Kacylia to anyone that is looking for one on one coaching in any area, such as CV prep, CASPer prep, or MMI prep since she was very helpful and considerate throughout the entire process.

February 21, 2023

Ariane m’a énormément aidé durant l’heure de coaching autant pour le CASPer que les MEMs. Elle m’a fournit plusieurs documents très utiles et m’a aussi beaucoup rassuré sur le fonctionnement des prossesus d’examens.

February 21, 2023

Elle m’a énormément aider autant durant l’heure de coaching que par la suite en m’offrant des documents et de l’aide pour mes applications à l’université. Très à l’écoute et a toujours un exemple pertinent à donner pour nos questions.

February 20, 2023

Ahmed was really helpful with my interview prep! He gave very concrete ready-to-implement advice on how to improve my answer. He was also very encouraging and supportive. I would highly recommend him as a tutor!

February 19, 2023

Djalica est une excellente coach qui a une bonne capacité d’écoute et te fait sentir à l’aise avec son enthousiasme. Durant ses séances, elle est toujours positive et donne des critiques constructives qui sont toujours pertinents. Elle prend le temps de répondre à toutes les questions ainsi à t’aider à penser plus profondément à propos des scénarios et comment structurer ta réponse de manière efficace. Je vous la conseille fortement!

February 19, 2023

Elle m’a énormément aidée à me préparer à mon Casper. Très gentille et m’a mis en confiance!

February 18, 2023

Djalica était d’une aide merveilleuse pour ma préparation à l’entrevue. Elle a ciblé exactement les points que je devais améliorer tout en renforçant sur mes forces. Elle apportait aussi beaucoup de points d’actualité ou de son expérience, ce qui est vraiment pertinent !! Gros merci!

February 18, 2023

Bonjour! J’ai beaucoup apprécié ma séance de pratique de Casper avec Djalica ! Elle est très gentille ! Elle a su bien m\’épauler en me donnant des pistes et des sources intéressantes, dans le but d’améliorer et de maximiser mes réponses. C’était très agréable !

February 18, 2023

Bonjour! Arianna est une coach superbe! Nos séances ont été très efficaces. Elles m’ont beaucoup aidée à me préparer pour mon Casper! Arianna est patiente et donne des commentaires pratiques pour favoriser la rédaction de meilleures réponses.

February 18, 2023

Bonjour! J’ai eu deux séances avec Noémie dans le but de préparer mon Casper. Noémie est une excellente coach. Elle a su bien m’outiller! Elle a notamment préparé divers scénarios différents pour que j’aie une meilleure vue d’ensemble. Ses commentaires constructifs m’ont beaucoup aidée. Nos séances ont été très agréables et utiles! C’était une véritable expérience pratique de Casper!

February 18, 2023

Noémie est une excellente coach ! Nous avons pratiquer différents scénarios pour les entrevues et elle a toujours su donner des rétroactions constructives. Très encouragente et dynamique ! J’apprécie énormément son professionnalisme et sa flexibilité. Je la recommande !

February 17, 2023

practiced mmi with Jae, and he is amazing at pointing you at the right direction. he answered all my answers professionally, and he is a great coach to practice mmi with!

February 16, 2023

Excellente séance d’entraînement avec Kacylia en vue des entrevues. Ayant beaucoup d’expérience de coaching avec de nombreux candidats, elle repère les erreurs et donne des commentaires constructifs. Elle est professionnelle (avec un ppt préparé) et aidante . En 60 min, nous avons été productives et cette séance m’oriente bien pour la suite de ma préparation. Merci 🙂

February 16, 2023

Excellente séance d’entraînement avec Kacylia en vue des entrevues. Ayant beaucoup d’expérience de coaching avec de nombreux candidats, elle repère les erreurs et donne de bons trucs. Elle est professionnelle (avec un ppt préparé), aidante et flexible (beaucoup de disponibilités) . En 1heure, nous avons été productives et cette séance m’oriente bien pour la suite de ma préparation. Merci 🙂

February 15, 2023

Patrick is an exceptional coach. I was provided with a general template of his approach to the MMI and through the course of several sessions, tailored it specifically to fit me. He is extremely knowledgeable and insightful on medical related issues as well as what interviewers are potentially looking for. Most important of all, Patrick told me exactly what I needed to hear after each session to keep me motivated and enthusiastic to continue practicing.

Thank you Patrick for your help!

February 15, 2023

Prachi was very helpful in providing constructive feedback and gave me a clear idea of what to improve in my answers. Thanks so much!

February 13, 2023

Odile was incredibly helpful and supportive during our coaching sessions. She provided a lot of relevant feedback and suggestions that helped me strengthen my answers for the MMI and made me feel more confident going into my interview. I am very grateful for our coaching sessions and I highly recommend Odile for anyone applying to medicine!

February 13, 2023

Sebastian is an excellent interview prep coach. He was always prepared and offered very specific advice tailored to me in order to help me improve. I would highly recommend him for any of his services as he is a very compassionate and caring individual.

February 13, 2023

Kacylia m’a grandement aidée pour la préparation de mes MEMs. Nous sommes passées à travers tous les types de stations ensemble avec les stratégies à adopter pour chacune. Elle donne toujours des exemples appropriés pour une meilleure compréhension de notre part, et nous laisse avec du matériel à travailler pour mieux nous préparer chez nous. Je reprends avec hâte une seconde séance avec elle afin de pratiquer les conseils qu’elle m’a partagés à la première rencontre. De plus, Kacylia est très gentille, souriante et à l’écoute des questions, des commentaires et des craintes, ce qui rend la pratique plus détendue, agréable et productive. Je la recommande fortement.

February 13, 2023

Kacylia m\’a aidé pour mes entrevues. C\’est une fille extrement concienceuse qui s\’est attardée au moindre détails de mes réponses et a su me conseiller sur les correctifs à apporter. Je la recommande à n\’importe qui qui cherche à peaufiner sa préparation. D\’autant plus qu\’elle est souriante et disponible je recommande à 200%.

Pour donner suite, j’ai été admis à McGill au campus francophone malgré le nombre de places limitées. Je peux sans aucun doute affirmer que Kacylia est derrière cette réussite. Tous ces conseils étaient pertinents et m’ont été d’une grande aide à toutes les stations. Il y a de forte chance que sans elle, je ne me sois jamais rendu la. Si vous cherchez à mettre toutes les chances de votre coté pour rentrer, je peux vous garantir que Kacylia est de loin le meilleur investissement que vous pouvez faire.

February 12, 2023

Kacylia m’a donné énormément de conseils en une seule heure de rencontre avec elle. Elle m’a aussi guidé pour ma préparation personnelle hors séance de coaching. Je vais très certainement reprendre une séance avec elle. Très dynamique et professionnelle ! Merci beaucoup !

February 12, 2023

Ashley is very professional, kind, a good tutor, and very helpful. She provides good feedback and does her homework before sessions. For sure I will recommend her.
Thank you

February 9, 2023

I highly recommend Odile! I felt so much more confident after my sessions with Odile because all the feedback that I received were top notch! Not only did they help me with my structure, they also taught me how to use certain words/terms in order to make my answers much stronger.

February 8, 2023

Very helpful and provides insightful information on university applications. Also very helpful in helping you elaborate your CV and gives you elements to focus on for future use. Would highly recommend!

February 6, 2023

Kacylia est une formidable Coach! J’ai eu l’opportunité de participer à une séance de préparation pour les MEM avec Kacylia. Kacylia m’a donné d’excellents conseils et rétroactions quant à la préparation au MEM avec grand professionnalisme. Je recommenderai à 100% une séance avec elle!

February 6, 2023

Kacylia était très aidante dans ma première préparation d’entrevue. Ses commentaires étaient toujours bien équilibrés et sa rétroaction très judicieuse. Elle m’a non seulement aidée à donner des “bonnes réponses”, mais aussi à me démarquer des autres, ce qui est très pertinent !!! : -)

February 4, 2023

I had 4 sessions with Patrick and it had been a great experience, greatly helped my interview skills. He pointed out how I could improve my body language and delivery of answers, something that I would not have thought of. He is a very encouraging coach, prompted me to reflect deeper into myself, helped with how to present my experiences appropriately and with authenticity, all things that proved very useful for MMI personal questions. I would highly recommend Patrick.

February 4, 2023

Abe helped me for 2 sessions and really improved my interview skills. He gave very constructive feedbacks and helped me expand my thinking process for how to analyze prompts, which helped me better structure my answers and find things to talk about. Really helped my confidence going into interview day. I would highly recommend Abe to anyone preparing for MMIs.

February 2, 2023

Très bon retour et commentaires très pertinents. Ses explications permettent de bien saisir les enjeux et les différents éléments de réponse à intégrer pour s’assurer de bien répondre à la question. Merci !

January 31, 2023

Odile was super helpful and accommodating during my coaching session. They were able to answer any and every question I had for them incredibly well, which gave me a huge amount of valuable help and insight. Not only were they able to address everything I was concerned about, but they also provided plenty of additional relevant information and guidance which I hadn’t even considered beforehand. It goes without saying that I cannot recommend Odile highly enough.

January 29, 2023

Excellente Coach!! J’ai eu l’occasion d’assister à 3 cours de préparation pour les MMI avec elle. Elle propose d’excellents scénarios de pratique et offre des rétroactions constructifs! Noémie est également très professionnelle lors des séeances d’enseignement!

January 29, 2023

Noémie est une excellente coach. J’ai eu plusieurs cours avec elle et à chaque fois, elle a donné des explications précises, claires et structurées. Elle a posé des questions pertinentes afin de m’inciter à réfléchir et m’a montré comment aborder les sujets de plusieurs points de vue. Ses commentaires constructifs aident à progresser tout en ayant confiance en soi. Elle rend les gens à l’aise pour qu’ils sortent le meilleur d’eux-mêmes, tout en leur permettant de sortir de leur zone de confort. Dans l’ensemble, une expérience très agréable! Merci beaucoup!

January 25, 2023

J’ai fais une session au sujet du Casper avec Arianna. Une chose est sûre, c’est une formidable coach! Elle est gentille et attentionnée. Elle donne d’excellents feedback. J’ai particulièrement apprécié son authenticité et son implication dans la session. Je vous la recommande très fortement!

January 24, 2023

Jae has been extremely helpful in preparing myself for both MMI and Traditional style interview questions. He is extremely knowledgeable and has extensive interview experience. I especially admire his ability to consider the perspective of different interviewer styles and point out ways to improve your answer to present your best self to everyone!

January 23, 2023

J’ai grandement appréciée mon one to one avec Kacylia qui est très professionnelle. Elle m’a bien préparé au test Snapshot pour lequel nous avons revu ensemble les types de questions auxquelles je pouvais m’attendre et surtout comment les aborder et structurer mon discours. Nous avons eu le temps de faire plusieurs pratiques. Ses commentaires étaient toujours pertinents et m’ont amené à passer mon test avec confiance. Merci Kacylia !

January 22, 2023

I have worked with Abe for 5-6 sessions over the past several months and he has really elevated my interview skills. He provides useful/actionable/constructive feedback on my answers; he encourages me to think of different ways to structure my answers; and he helps me strengthen my delivery of my responses in terms of vocal intonation/variety and non-verbal mannerisms. He’s a really strong coach and I would definitely recommend him to anyone. Thanks for your help so far Abe and looking forward to continuing to work with you over this interview season.

January 18, 2023

Les commentaires étaient très clairs et j’ai pu comprendre les failles à mes réflexions. Merci!

January 16, 2023

For interview preparation, Jae tries to use root-cause analysis. He strives to understand your gap of knowledge and tries to explain the backbone of your problem before he dives into practicing. For example, he tries to understand your logical reasoning first and after correcting that, he works with you until you grasp the issue. He has a sense of humour and is very approachable.

January 15, 2023

Arianna est excellente! Elle m’a fait sentir à l’aise et elle a pu répondre à toutes mes questions et me donner de bons conseils. Je prendrai plus de sessions avec elle c’est sûr!

January 10, 2023

Arianna est une tutrice formidable! Elle m’a écouté et s’est adapté merveilleusement à mes désirs et objectifs. Elle m’a fournit de précieuses ressources tout en partageant son expérience personnelle. Elle se prépare avant une rencontre et ajuste son enseignement par conséquent. Elle est très compétente et vraiment gentille!

December 31, 2022

I really enjoyed preparing for my MMI with Hannah! She was organized, supportive, and encouraging. Hannah was very specific about the areas that I should work on, as well as areas I am doing well in. I would encourage you to strongly consider working with her as well! 🙂

December 5, 2022

Ahmed was such a big help in my preparation for the MMI! He helped me better understand the different question types, what assessors are looking for and how to properly organize my answers. He was extremely generous with his time, spending multiple sessions with me to keep improving on my strengths and address what could be weaknesses. He really helped me feel as comfortable as possible on interview day! I would 100% recommend you to book a session with Ahmed if you are doing preparation for the MMI.

December 5, 2022

Ashley was very professional in conducting a practice MMI session, and provided helpful feedback points to ensure that my practice was well focused. She also beyond the session by providing great resources and tips. Thank you!

December 5, 2022

Noemie is very good tutor, i had sessions with her and she gave me very good feedback and good ideas about Casper questions, and she give good suggestions about how to handle ethic and other questions. I definitely recommend her for Casper preparation.

November 16, 2022

Hannah is an excellent MMI interview prep coach. She gave me really helpful and straight forward feedback on all types of scenarios. Also, she has a very positive energy which is really helpful and empowering. Thanks to her I am now more confident about my interview process.

October 20, 2022

Great feedbacks!

October 20, 2022

Very helpful! Thank you!

October 18, 2022

Arianna m’a beaucoup aidée lors de notre séance pratique pour le Casper. Elle est super gentille et veut vraiment aider, elle a répondu très bien à toutes mes questions, merci beaucoup!! C’est une excellente tutrice qui a beaucoup de connaissances sur le Casper, je la recommande fortement!!! 🙂

October 18, 2022

Catherine m’a beaucoup aidé à structurer ma préparation pour le test Casper et à cibler mes points faibles pour m’améliorer. Je suis très contente de ma rencontre avec elle et je la recommande vivement à tous !

October 15, 2022

Les commentaires de Isaura ont été constructifs et enrichissants. J’ai bien apprécié son feedback. C’était très aidant.

October 8, 2022

Arianna a été très gentille, elle est rassurante et généreuse. Elle a su répondre à toutes mes questions, elle a pratiqué avec moi des scénarios et m’a fourni beaucoup de conseils constructifs. Excellente coach, je la recommande fortement!

October 3, 2022

I enjoyed my session with Malcolm. He took the time to address my question. Malcolm reviewed my Western essays, and I was impressed by the detail of the feedback. It was very thoughtful and helped improve my essays. I hope to work with him soon during interview preparation.

October 2, 2022

Excellent service !! Arianna a su cibler rapidement mes faiblesses lors de la pratique de certaines situations et ses conseils m’ont énormément aidé à améliorer mes réponses Casper.

September 30, 2022

Malcolm has been extremely helpful in helping me with my application essays and ABS. He is very detail-oriented and showed me a lot of tricks/tips to improve my applications. I also loved how he was there every step of the way throughout this daunting process as my well-wisher!

September 28, 2022

Jae provided incredibly useful guidance for MMI preparation and his advice was both direct and supportive. He’s super friendly and has great insights about the application process!

September 25, 2022

Malcolm did a great job of giving me tailored, constructive advice and helped me improve my ABS. He was very friendly but still willing to point out weak spots & ways to improve my wording. We got through a lot of content in one session, everything I had wanted to go over.

September 25, 2022

I’ve utilized different med school application services in the past and I can say with certainty that Malcolm has been the best mentor. He comes well prepared for each session and is not afraid to give strong and constructive feedback. Malcolm brings along with him a wealth of expertise, and he knows how to best communicate your experiences to file reviewers. Because of his ongoing honesty and patience as a mentor, I was able to take my Western essays to the next level.

September 24, 2022

J’ai eu une rencontre avec Ariane ce matin et je peux vous dire que je me sens outillée pour mon CASper qui s’en vient en octobre prochain. En plus d’être disponible et généreuse de son temps, elle sait être à l’écoute de vos besoins selon vos expériences personnelles. Je vous la recommande sans hésitation! Elle est un beau modèle de détermination et de persévérance.

Bonne chance à tous les étudiants et surtout n’oubliez pas que rien n’est impossible, il suffit de s’outiller de personnes ressources et compétentes. Ariane en fait certainement partie.

September 16, 2022

Really enjoyed my session with Malcolm. He took the time to address my questions and go through every part of my essays. His feedback was very thoughtful and helped improve my essays. He is very responsive and his sessions are very engaging, I never felt rushed.

September 15, 2022

Malcolm is extremely helpful in helping me structure and brainstorm application essays! His advice to improve is very clear and to the point, and raises my essays to another level. I would highly recommend him!

September 14, 2022

I really enjoyed my session with Malcolm. He was very kind, a good active listener, gave strong constructive criticism while still being encouraging. I would definitely recommend booking a session with him!

September 11, 2022

Malcolm gave me tailored advice on how to approach my interview questions and overall helped me feel more prepared!

September 11, 2022

Hannah was very helpful in giving me an organized way to approach my interview questions!

August 29, 2022

Ashley is very professional and kind. Went of out her way to help me with my application review, and I highly recommend!

August 25, 2022

Super dévoué, s’exprime et réponds parfaitement à toutes vos questions

August 15, 2022

Really attentive to my requests and easy to work with. Devon gave me useful and practical strategies from his own experience that I could feasibly put into my applications and Casper writing.

Would definitely schedule another session with!

August 11, 2022

Service excellent et totalement au-delà de mes attentes ! Je recommande pour quiconque qui souhaite mieux se préparer pour les admissions de médecines !

Arianna a pris le temps de répondre à toutes mes questions pour le test Casper et de vérifier avec moi mes exemples de réponses. J’en suis vraiment reconnaissant !

August 10, 2022

I had the pleasure of having a session for CASPer with Sabine. She is very nice and knows how to get ready for such an exam. In my opinion, she is the perfect choice.

July 22, 2022

Elle a répondu à toutes mes questions, m’a fait part de son expérience, a pratiqué certaines situations avec moi, m’a expliqué comment ça marche… Commentaires constructifs, rythme parfait, excellente coach! Je suis très satisfaite.

July 12, 2022

I really enjoyed working with Raquel for my MMI prep as she was very patient, understanding and positive. She assessed me with representative scenarios and she took my concern into consideration. She did mock tests with me and she acted very well for the acting stations.

June 8, 2022

Wondu gives really thorough feedback with respect to structure, content, and habits to break e.g., using certain filler words too much. He’s also very knowledgable about high-yield topics such as the opioid crisis and team management and gave me lots of nuanced facts I was able to bring up in my actual interviews. Last thing, Wondu lays out his sessions with back to back prompts first and then feedback at the end – this is really good for developing interview stamina and helped save time as well!

June 4, 2022

Wondu helped me with my vMI interview preparation and gave me great feedback and advice that helped me to improve my interview skills! I used a lot of the tips we discussed during my actual interview and was able to receive an admission offer this May!

May 19, 2022

Wondu was a great interview coach! He was very prepared with mock interview questions and provided very valuable feedback. I definitely felt more confident for my interviews with his help. Thanks!

May 17, 2022

J’ai énormément aimé mes séances avec Lucia. Elle est très compétante et donne de précieux conseils. Cela m\’a bien préparé aux entrevues et m\’a permis d\’acquérir une confiance. Durant les séances, j\’ai appris à bien structuré mes réponses, à organiser mes idées et plus encore. Je vous recommande Lucia 5/5 !

May 15, 2022

I did a few sessions of interview prep with Hannah. She was polite, friendly, and very reassuring. The last session I had with her was a full mock interview prep and her feedback was so encouraging, it made a big difference for my interview the following week. Thank you so much!!

May 13, 2022

I had the pleasure of working with Allyson for my MMI preparation and could not have been any happier with the help I received. She is kind and very knowledgeable. She gives real applicable advice and always gave me constructive criticism and pointed out the positives in my answers. I highly recommend her as a coach. I will forever be grateful to Allyson!

May 8, 2022

Amazingly helpful. She helped me understand what the CASPER test consisted of and she gave me the tools to help me be admitted in my program. I couldn’t be more grateful for her professionalism and expertise. I would 100% recommend Catherine for setting you up for success. Thank you again and again and again.

April 24, 2022

J’ai énormément apprécié mes séances avec Lucia. J’ai surtout apprécié son approche par rapport aux MEM : une approche plus holistique de la pratique de la médecine afin de bien comprendre les rôles multiples des professionnels de la santé sur la prise en charge des patients. Cela a été fort utile pour enrichir mes réponses et les rendre plus humaines, moins axées sur le caractère scientifique de la médecine et plutôt sur les multiples facteurs influençant la prise en charge des patients. J’ai également beaucoup apprécié les ressources/lectures qu’elle m’a offerte concernant le rôle des médecins ainsi que plusieurs stratégies fort pertinentes afin de bien répondre au questions et cerner le contenu visé. Somme toute, je n’aurai certainement pas été aussi prête pour mes MEM sans son aide précieuse et je la recommande fortement, surtout auprès des candidats qui auraient peut-être un peu plus de difficulté à enrichir leur réponses et les rendre plus humaines.

April 20, 2022

Hannah is a great interview prep coach! She helps you build confidence and is great at providing resources to help tackle weak areas in your interview skills. She comes prepared for the sessions and is open for questions and concerns you may have. She was extremely helpful in my prep! Thanks again Hannah!

April 14, 2022

J’ai vraiment aimé la session de coaching en préparation pour les MEM! Très bons commentaires et les situations/questions pratiquées étaient pertinentes.

April 13, 2022

Hannah is a great coach for interview prep. She gave specific and personalized feedback in a way that’s actionable, which I really appreciated. She’s open to taking the session in the direction that will be most helpful for you.

April 7, 2022

Morgan was a fantastic interview prep coach, and I highly recommend him to anyone seeking an interview coach! He is sincere in his feedback and provides wonderful insight into what differentiates a stellar answer from a mediocre one. Consistent prep with Morgan allowed me to understand and implement different heuristics while answering specific MMI questions, and as a result, I felt more prepared going into my interview.

April 7, 2022

Morgan was an amazing interview prep coach. I was really nervous to start but Morgan’s kind, honest, and constructive feedback made me feel confident in my responses and ready on interview day. I highly recommend him as a coach!

April 4, 2022

Malcolm is calm and relaxed. His feedbacks are very constructive.

April 2, 2022

I am always grateful for promptness, Danae emailed me and set up the meeting invitation right away which was great. I appreciated how she shared her experience about nerves and different suggestions on how to manage those. I thought she gave constructive feedback and also helped me build more confidence.

April 2, 2022

I had an amazing time prepping with Lucia! When I first started practicing for my interview I was very lost but after my initial session with Lucia, I felt like I had a lot more direction and structure in terms of how I wanted to prepare and what to focus on. Lucia is patient, thoughtful and extremely knowledgeable about the med school interview process. She is also very encouraging and made me feel much more confident going into the interview. I definitely recommend her services to future students! Thank you so much Lucia!

April 2, 2022

J’ai eu la chance d’avoir plusieurs rencontres avec Lucia (et d’autres à venir) afin de me préparer aux MEM. Elle m’a vraiment aidé à organiser mes réponses. Elle est super gentille, généreuse avec son temps, facile à contacter et donne de super conseils. Elle m’a aidé à répondre du mieux possible à tous types de questions et à bien réfléchir lors de différents scénarios. Fortement recommandée!!

March 22, 2022

Lucia is so kind and helpful! She really takes the time to break down what are the important things for you to focus on and walks you through her thought process. She’s also very encouraging! I came out of my session with her armed with a lot of knowledge and feeling much more confident about my interview prep. I would highly recommend her coaching for anyone interviewing at uOttawa.

March 21, 2022

Lauren is very helpful. She gives great advice !

March 18, 2022

What makes Patrick a great coach is that he is helpful, encouraging, kind, and personable! He gives great feedback and you leave the session feeling like a stronger interviewer and gaining more confidence in your capabilities. The questions he comes up with present a good challenge where you can easily learn from them within the safe space he creates. Overall, I highly recommend seeking his guidance!

March 18, 2022

Lucia était une excellence coach pour me guider à travers le processus d’entrevue pour mon application à l’Université d’Ottawa. Elle m’a d’abord fourni les bases et outils nécessaires pour bien structurer mes réponses ainsi que les éléments clés à savoir en préparation à l’entrevue. Par la suite, après m’être préparé, Lucia m’a fait une entrevue pratique dans laquelle elle m’a posé une variété de types de questions et m’a donné d’excellents commentaires de rétroaction pour que je puisse m’améliorer avant mon entrevue. Finalement, Lucia a vraiment fait un grand effort pour m’accommoder avant mon entrevue afin que je me sente le plus confiant possible. Bref, elle est une excellente medcoach!

March 15, 2022

I found my sessions with Lauren incredibly helpful as she tailored her approach to my personal goals for improvement. Lauren came fully prepared and was encouraging throughout our session. I really appreciate her support in my preparation!

March 15, 2022

Richard is a very kind and honest coach and is a pleasure to work with. He had MMI questions prepared and sent me follow up info as well. It was really helpful to hear from someone with interview experience at UofA and I would highly recommend him!

March 14, 2022

Gave very applicable and realistic questions. Also gave great feedback.

March 14, 2022

Very encouraging and great feedback!

March 12, 2022

Richard is a super awesome coach! He gives great advice and is really helpful. I learned a lot from my sessions with him and I’m very grateful. 🙂

March 12, 2022

I highly recommend her. It is really fun to work with her and she is very helpful. She gives good feedback and advice on how you can improve yourself. If you are looking to prepare for the MMI interview, she is really good. She advises you on what to answer but also on how you should deliver it (tone, non-verbal).

March 10, 2022

Lauren was an awesome coach. She gives really good feedback and has great questions to practice. She really knows her stuff and was an incredible help.

March 10, 2022

Cathy is awesome to work with! She gives great feedback and has really good questions to practice. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot from her.

March 10, 2022

Olivia is amazing and so kind and encouraging! I love that she designs her own questions around the schools you’re applying for, which prevented any questions that I’d seen before from coming up again, and hit some really important topics around current issues in Canadian healthcare. She’s incredible at coaching and so knowledgeable.

March 10, 2022

Ahmed was awesome! He gave really good detailed feedback about things that I should do and caught onto things that I should change to make my answers better. He was super kind and supportive. Thank you!

March 9, 2022

Olivia is an absolutely amazing, genuine, and compassionate individual who really cares and supports students based on their specific needs/requests. Olivia always gives really incredible, detailed feedback and creates thought-provoking questions for each session. I have thoroughly enjoyed every session with her and would highly, highly recommend her as a coach!!

March 9, 2022

Danae was great! During our session, she was very kind and easy to talk to. She provided great questions, thoughtful feedback, and additional considerations to improve my responses.

March 9, 2022

Lauren was a great coach! She identified my needs and goals at the beginning of the session and provided tailored support and thoughtful feedback throughout. The practice questions were fantastic and Lauren was overall very kind and encouraging.

March 8, 2022

Hannah is an amazing interview prep coach! She had many great practice questions prepared for our mock MMI sessions, and provided extremely helpful analysis and critiques of my answers. She also explained very useful general strategies for common question types. Moreover, Hannah genuinely cares about the people she coaches, and is incredibly friendly, kind and humble. She even went longer than 1 hour in some sessions to ensure she gave me all possible advice, and answered any additional questions I had by email, leading right up to my interview. I can’t recommend Hannah highly enough, and would give her a rating above 5 stars if possible!

March 6, 2022

Hannah was a great MedCoach who was friendly and approachable. She gave me lots of specific advice and feedback that helped me with my MMI preparation. She came prepared to our sessions with multiple questions and question types.

March 5, 2022

Danae was absolutely incredible! She asked me about my expectations for the session and provided very helpful tips before we got into everything. She also had practice MMI questions ready to go and provided extremely useful feedback to improve my responses. Highly recommend!! Thank you Danae!! 🙂

March 2, 2022

Olivia is an incredible instructor who offers her time very generously to genuinely help students succeed! In addition to our hour-long session, Olivia provided me detailed and personalized feedback that really enabled me to feel comfortable during my interview. I would encourage anyone applying/interviewing for UofT to learn from her!

March 1, 2022

I cannot speak highly enough of Morgan. He helped provide structure to my answers; he gave honest, useful feedback; and he made the sessions fun and enjoyable to the point where I actually looked forward to practicing! He was very reliable and had a lot of solid advice. I would definitely recommend him as a coach to anyone. Thank you for all of your help Morgan and I hope one day I can call you my colleague!

March 1, 2022

Lauren was an absolutely fantastic coach. She is easy to talk to, honest, and supportive. She provides high-quality questions and feedback and modifies coaching sessions based on your individual goals. I was very happy with my sessions with Lauren.

March 1, 2022

I found my session with Lauren very useful. She is very approacable and friendly. We practiced some MMI questions and she gave me good feedback and some tips and tricks for interviewing. She even spent extra time to give me more feedback, she seems very geniune in wanting to help people. Overall she made me feel less anxious and more confident in my abilities.

March 1, 2022

I had multiple coaching sessions with Wondu for my UofT vMPI interview. He gave critical and helpful feedback which gave me confidence when answering prompts and definitely saw improvement in my performance as the sessions went by.

March 1, 2022

Richard was attentive and honest when practicing for my UofT vMPI interview. He had vast experience interviewing and this gave me confidence in his feedback. I appreciated the material he had prepared prior to our session and with follow-up emails with more prep material.

March 1, 2022

I really liked Lauren’s style of coaching. She was attentive and gave critical feedback that helped me structure my answers. She was also very supportive and this gave me lots of confidence to perform the day of the interview. All in all, I really enjoyed my sessions with Lauren.

March 1, 2022

Lauren is an amazing mentor, the feedback she provides is applicable to so many different types of questions. She also is so encouraging and supportive, so after the session, you leave with a boost of confidence (which we can all use during this process haha). She is very kind and gives great tips and feedback for interviews.

February 28, 2022

Catherine est très dynamique et gentille. Elle m’a vraiment aidé pour la préparation de mon CV et de mes entrevues! Ses commentaires sont constructifs et pertinents. Je la recommande fortement!

February 28, 2022

Richard is a great coach – he helped me figure out how to introduce and organize my responses better and it made a world of a difference!

February 26, 2022

Olivia is a really great coach and provides thoughtful and helpful feedback! She does an amazing job preparing questions and simulating a real interview experience. She is very kind and approachable and encourages you to think outside the box- with concrete examples! I highly recommend her as a coach!

February 25, 2022

Lauren was a great coach and really helped me break down the structure of different questions! She is very kind and approachable and gives great feedback and encourages you to think outside the box! I highly recommend her as a coach!

February 25, 2022

I wanted to thank Raquel for our session! Within one block of time she was able to create an entire MMI simulation that included a mixture of all components that we can expect from the stations at McGill. I truly appreciated this since it not only helps with raising confidence for the actual day of interview, but it also helps gain insight on the flow and rhythm. I enjoyed my time talking to her and also liked how she gave her feedback at the end both highlighting strengths (which is encouraging) and including pointers on what can be added to further refine answers. Thank you so much for your time Raquel!

February 25, 2022

Thank you so much Catherine for our not one but two sessions I booked with her! First of all, thank you for being able to accommodate me by self-opening up her busy schedule after I had asked for an extra session. I really appreciated that she was able to do this for me since I wasn’t free during mornings due to work constraints. Secondly, thank you for spending the first session (as per my request) talking about your experience and answering all of my questions I had for her since I really wanted to gain insight from how a successful candidate had prepared and went about with the McGill MMI (it helped reassure any concerns I had). Thirdly, thank you for catering to my needs and practicing the acting scenarios + graph (as I had asked for which type of station to do together) and for also your helpful feedback —that I put into practice during my later preps! She’s an amazing coach, provides resources to practice with, and is very positively encouraging!

February 24, 2022

Ahmed is a nice and caring individual and provided me with detailed feedback when we practiced together. I really appreciated that he told me his experience with med school applications, including what he did well and what he would do differently. He is a good coach especially if you are a non-traditional/mature applicant

February 23, 2022

Richard was an absolute pleasure. He helped me get my feet on the ground for approaching interview questions, and gave me many helpful tips and tricks.

February 23, 2022

Sabine is a great coach! She’s very knowledge and approachable. She quickly pointed out my strengths, but more importantly my weaknesses to better target them in our sessions. We practiced acting stations right away which was the best way to practice in my opinion! If you’re looking for a coach for MMI’s, she’s the way to go!

February 22, 2022

Raquel est très qualifiée. Ses feedbacks sont très utiles. Je vous la recommande.

February 22, 2022

Catherine est très compétente et dynamique. Ses commentaires sont toujours justes et pertinents. Je la recommande fortement!

February 22, 2022

Danae is very kind and encouraging. We did practice questions and chatted about strategy, it was a great way to start practicing MMI questions in a low stakes environment. I feel my confidence has improved after our session and I have specific goals to work on.

February 20, 2022

Lauren was a really helpful coach! She provided extremely thoughtful feedback and was great to work with. She even stayed to work with me for extra time, which was really generous of her. Thank you so much Lauren!

February 20, 2022

Olivia did a fantastic job preparing great questions and providing strong feedback!

February 19, 2022

Olivia was the best coach that I’ve ever worked with. As someone who has worked with a few this cycle for different interviews, I am amazed at her ability to be insightful and also helpful.

February 19, 2022

I would highly recommend Catherine if you are looking to prepare for McGill and are unsure of where to start. She is knowledgeable, professional, and encouraging! Also went above and beyond by offering additional resources to help with my preparations. Thank you Catherine!

February 18, 2022

Olivia is very approachable and reassuring. She created her own MMI questions and tailored the format to the school I am interviewing at, including the follow-up questions. That was extremely helpful because it allowed me to start strategizing on how I can best respond to the stem and follow-ups. She provided holistic feedback that focused on content and impression. Thank you Olivia!

February 18, 2022

Lucia was so helpfull during our session. She took the time to give me good and honest feedback. I will definetly recommend her to anyone preparing for Med school.

February 18, 2022

Lucia was so helpfull and did all her best to help me prepare!

February 18, 2022

Was flexible with my schedule and allowed me to move dates and times. Also had different question types I hadn’t considered for my MMI so it was helpful to expand my exposure to those questions prior to my MMI.

February 18, 2022

Had a structured approach to working through MMI scenario questions that was effective and I found it very helpful and productive. Glad I had the opportunity to have her as a tutor.

February 18, 2022

Lucia is a great interview coach! She helped to prepare me by running through a mock interview and gave constructive tips on how to improve. She made sure I had the chance to ask any questions I had and made me feel more confident for my interview. I’m so glad I had the chance to prep with her!

February 17, 2022

Richard is very personable and easy to talk to and is super knowledgeable about the interview processes of the Alberta schools! Gives great feedback & tips, as well as example responses for different types of questions. He also helps to expose you to more unique questions that you may not see elsewhere, which I found helpful.

February 15, 2022

Lauren was a great coach for preparing for my interview. She was super supportive and provided a lot of useful insight towards UofA medical school interviews. She was also very kind, approachable, and was open to any questions or feedback. I would highly recommend her as a coach!

February 14, 2022

Richard was a really great coach for MMI prep! He quickly identified my areas of strengths and weaknesses and provided targeted and effective feedback into areas requiring improvement. His understanding about the whole process really allowed me to feel more confident about what to expect. Richard was well prepared for our session and open to tailor lessons. He was very supportive and approachable!

February 14, 2022

It was a pleasure to practice with Ahmed to get a better understanding of what MMI assessors look for when asking certain questions. He provides very balanced feedback identifying both the strengths and weaknesses in a response. Ahmed was able to quickly identify the weaknesses in my responses which helped in focusing the session towards how I can address them and improve my MMI skills. The advice he provides through his frameworks is very applicable and he is patient in teaching them, providing various examples to grasp them better. I would highly recommend Ahmed as a coach!

February 14, 2022

Danae is a very helpful and insightful coach and I am really grateful for all of her help! She works with you to identify points you can work on and is super friendly and approachable! She is kind and compassionate while also being honest and upfront when sharing constructive feedback and I felt comfortable and more confident with the material we discussed. Nothing but great things to say!

February 14, 2022

Highly recommend for MMI prep! Richard takes the time to properly address your concerns. He gives detailed feedback on how to improve and provides you with notes on how to best approach each practice scenario.

February 13, 2022

Lucia is an incredible interview coach! She provides articulate feedback during mock interviews and will go the extra mile to ensure all your questions are answered and you feel prepared. Her dedication to helping you is evident right from the start! Thank you so much

February 13, 2022

Lucia is amazing! She was very helpful to me and was able to provide thoughtful and useful feedback. Above all, Lucia was able to help me utilize my background as a tool for success. Amazing coach, so happy I found her!

February 13, 2022

Lucia is a great mentor! I definitely recommend her to anyone who wishes to take coaching sessions with MedCoach. She gives great advice and is always able to answer our questions with confidence. She gives great tips & tricks and is able to target our strengths and weaknesses to help us improve while also encouraging us. Lucia is able to adapt her mentoring style to her student’s needs which is great to have when preparing for our stressful interviews.

February 12, 2022

Catherine is very friendly and helpful. She gives you productive feedback and follows up on her clients. It was a pleasure having her as my coach

February 12, 2022

Booking a session with Loucia was a great choice on my part! She gave me really good advice that helped me approach interview questions much more effectively. She’s also very kind and a great listener and will take time to go over your own personal background and any concerns you might have. Thanks Loucia 🙂

February 12, 2022

If you are looking for a coach and are not sure which one is right for you, I highly recommend Catherine.
Catherine is an excellent coach. I had a session with her to prepare for my MMI. We practiced a few questions and afterwards she gave me her comments. Her positive criticism reinforced what I was already doing well and gave me additional confidence. Her constructive criticism were extremely helpful and made me feel extra prepared for the interview. Catherine also gives many helpful tips to make sure you are on the right track, when preparing for your interviews.
Catherine’s personality also makes her an ideal coach. She is intelligent, funny, thoughtful, passionate and I could sense that she genuinely wants to help people become better candidates.
McGill has got themselves a gem! She is one of the best coaches out there and what better way to become the best than by learning from the best.
Fully recommend.

February 12, 2022

Lucia was an amazing coach. She was extremely patient and approachable. She gave me very specific and useful feedback, a good understanding of what to expect, a confidence boost, and a generous amount of her time. Thank you, Lucia.

February 11, 2022

Lucia is an excellent coach. She gave very personalized and detailed feedback to my answers. She is also very knowledgeable and approachable.

February 11, 2022

Alex was creative, patient and very helpful. 100% recommend

February 10, 2022

Lauren is an incredibly supportive and insightful coach! Her practice questions are great and she gives very helpful feedback on how to make an answer stand out and areas to improve on. She really helped me target the skills I want to improve on and is easy to talk to. I would definitely recommend her as a coach!

February 10, 2022

Very helpful session. Richard has great insights that can help you instantly. He takes notes on a Google doc and provides you with them to help you improve and reflect after your session. He’s methodical and his feedback is very helpful. Also, he’s a very nice person. Highly recommend!

February 10, 2022

Richard offered insightful constructive feedback to improve on my mock panel interview responses for my MD program interviews. I would highly recommend Richard as a coach to make practicing enjoyable and productive, especially for interview preparation!

February 10, 2022

The MMI prep session I had with Sabine was great. I felt very comfortable asking her questions. She constructively pointed out my strengths and areas to improve. She also sent me additional useful material to enhance my preparation following our session. I highly recommend Sabine as a coach! 🙂

February 10, 2022

Lucia is amazing! She tailors the time according to your needs, and gives amazing feedback on how to improve your interview answers. She is very sweet and supportive. Would highly recommend!

February 8, 2022

Elle est super compétente, professsionnelle et elle donne de bons conseils! Elle m’a beaucoup aidé à travailler mes situations personnelles! Je la recommande à tous pour améliorer votre préparation pour le test CASPer!

February 7, 2022

Catherine est une super coach! Je suis vraiment satisfaite de ma rencontre avec elle. Elle m’a donné plusieurs conseils et m’a bien guidé pour les entrevues! Je l’ai adoré!

February 7, 2022

J’ai eu l’opportunité d’être coaché par Catherine pour les MEM. Catherine est une très bonne coach puisqu’elle m’a donnée de très bonne stratégie et m’a donné des critiques constructives me permettant de modifier mon approche pour les MEM. Je vous la recommande!

February 6, 2022

Olivia is an absolutely amazing person! She is so nice and approachable, her feedback is extremely helpful and thoughtful. She coached me for quite a few lessons and always tailored the lessons to what suited me. The questions were developed and tailored to the university that I was applying for. She also made sure to take the time to develop thought provoking and deep questions that challenged you. As well all know, developing good questions is not an easy task and Olivia was great for developing in depth questions. If you are uncertain which coach to choose from (because I know from experience I was in the same boat, there’s so many great one’s to choose from), but Olivia honestly stands out for her great passion for teaching, her sincerity, and depth of knowledge in complex subject areas to really give great feedback and applicants a leg up in preparing for their MMI.

February 5, 2022

My session with Richard was extremely helpful. I would recommend him to anyone who’s looking to build their confidence for the MMI. I appreciated his unique and in-depth approach when it came to going through the various types of MMI scenarios. He gave detailed feedback and was encouraging, kind, and motivating throughout the session. Thanks so much Richard!

February 5, 2022

Je suis très satisfaite de mon expérience avec Lucia. Elle s’adapte au besoin de la personne, elle a du matériel pour donner une bonne formation approfondie. Elle est capable de cibler les lacunes et donner des conseils pour améliorer chaque point faible. Je la conseille à 10000%

February 3, 2022

Richard was very supportive and helpful. He gave me some good key points and I like his outside of the box thinking. I like how he took notes while we were talking and shared the file with me to refer back to. Thank you Richard!

February 3, 2022

Hannah is a great interview prep coach. She is friendly and kind. She helped me practice question styles I’ve been having difficulties with and provided great feedback.

February 2, 2022

Tanya is an amazing coach, and she provided great feedbacks and were super informative. also, an amazing coach to practice Acting stations with, a great actor and evaluator! very patient and professional.

February 1, 2022

I had a great MMI prep session with Mo. He’s an encouraging coach who provides concrete and useful tips on how to improve the structure of MMI responses. Thanks again Mo!

February 1, 2022

Morgan is an amazing interview prep coach. He has great frameworks to approach all types of questions and gives really honest and constructive feedback. I definitely feel like he helped me improve my interview skills and made me feel much more prepared and confident for my interview! I highly recommend him as an interview coach!

January 30, 2022

I found her very informative! Very knowledgeable and answered all of my questions. She prepared MMI questions for me, which was great since I have never interviewed before.

January 30, 2022

Lucia est une coach géniale! Elle m’a donné pleins de bons conseils et elle a répondu à toutes mes questions posées avec une grande profondeur. Je la recommande fortement.

January 30, 2022

I would highly recommend Richard as a coach! Richard helped me with my upcoming interviews and provided great feedback on how to improve my MMI answers. We analyzed each question together and he provided valuable insight on how he would approach each scenario. He was also very accommodating when I had to change the meeting date for a session. Great coach!

January 30, 2022

Lucia is an amazing coach! She gives incredibly insightful advice, and provided me with realistic and constructive feedback that is going to help me stand out. She is extremely kind and caring, and is very invested in the success of her students. I am very grateful to have worked with her as my medcoach and I would recommend her to anyone else preparing for interviews!

January 30, 2022

Richard provided excellent advice on preparing for my upcoming MD and MD/PhD interviews. He was extremely helpful and directed me on how to better prepare for them. He answered all my questions, provided resources, went over some sample interview questions with me, and provided great advice on how to better formulate my answers. He was also experienced with virtual interviews, which helped me figure out what I should be mindful of during my interviews. I learned a lot from a one-hour session with him. I highly recommend him as an amazing coach on preparing for medical school interviews!

January 30, 2022

Catherine’s comments are super helpful and she is a very great med coach. I look forward to working with her again!

January 29, 2022

Olivia is an amazing coach. She helped me with my MMI prep and I really appreciate her insightful feedback and suggestions. She is very organized and creative during sessions. She also provided me with many strategies to organize my answers, as well as new perspectives to explore in my responses. I would highly recommend her as a coach! Thank you for your help Olivia!!

January 29, 2022

Allyson is an amazing coach. She helped me with my MMI prep and I really appreciate her helpful and encouraging feedback. She provided me with many new perspectives and avenues to explore in my responses. I would highly recommend her as a coach!

January 27, 2022

Tanya is an amazing coach, she is structured and patient. She is willing to go the extra mile with students even if that means staying on a couple minutes after your hour session. She provides great feedback, you can tell she really did her research on preparing questions and structures them accordingly. She is always prepared during the lesson and open to tailor lessons that best suit you. She is a very nice and approachable, would highly recommend scheduling a lesson with Tanya!

January 27, 2022

Super entraînement avec Raquel! Ce coaching m’a donné confiance et mes séances m’ont permis de mieux comprendre comment se déroulent les mmi ! Je recommande vraiment

January 27, 2022

Super entraînement ! Ce coaching m’a donné confiance et mes séances m’ont permis de mieux comprendre comment se déroulent les mmi ! Je recommande vraiment

January 27, 2022

Sabine is an excellent coach, she is very friendly and has great listening skills. She gives a lot of constructive feedback and helps you how to approach certain types of questions. She also offered to give out helpful documents of top-scoring answers on some scenarios, which helped a lot. She is very comfortable to speak to and an all around great coach!

January 27, 2022

Weiting est un coach génial ! Il est très compétent et j’ai utilisé ses conseils pour le test Casper. Il a des horaires très flexibles et est très efficace lors des rencontres. Nous avons toujours pu faire beaucoup de choses pendant les 1 heures que nous avions pour travailler ensemble. Il donne de très bons conseils de formatage pour le test Casper. Il m’a également aidé à pratiquer des simulations Casper et m’a donné du feedback et des conseils applicables. Je le recommande à tous ceux qui sont sérieux et qui cherchent à mieux se préparer pour le test Casper !

January 27, 2022

Catherine est une coach géniale. Il est très facile de lui parler et elle m’a fait sentir à l’aise et bienvenue dès les premières minutes de notre rencontre. Elle garde une attitude positive tout au long des séances et donne toujours des critiques constructives et applicables.J’ai utilisé son coaching pour me préparer au MEM et je pense que son aide va définitivement m’aider à me démarquer et à me sentir plus confiante dans mes réponses lors de mes entrevues.

January 25, 2022

Danae was excellent! I went into the session rather nervous, but her demeanor and discussion put me at ease very quickly once the session started. She gave great practice questions, and feedback to the questions – giving both general and question-specific feedback. She answered all my questions completely and presented me with some techniques that I will definitely be trying to incorporate into my answers more. Very glad that I booked a session with her! Thank you Danae!!

January 23, 2022

She tailored the practice session to what I requested and even did a pre meeting survey to help further tailor the practice session. Gave great feedback which I will use for future MMI sessions and for the real MMI.

January 21, 2022

Morgan is a great interview coach! He helped me feel ready for both my MMI and traditional interviews with great constructive feedback and equipped me with the tools to succeed in my interviews.

January 17, 2022

J’ai adoré Catherine! Elle s’assure que tu comprend ce que tu souhaites pratiquer et elle est à l’écoute de tes besoins, je la conseille vraiment! Que du positif, cela m’a vraiment aider pour mon Casper.

January 16, 2022

Catherine est une excellente coach ! Elle t’écoute vraiment et trouve des conseils pour chacune de tes insécurités. Elle prend le temps de répondre à toutes les questions posées avec une grande profondeur. Elle a une excellente personnalité et t’aide à trouver différentes possibilités de réponses aux questions CASPer. Elle est restée plus longtemps lors de la rencontre ce qui est très gentil. Son enthousiasme te met rapidement à l’aise ce qui facilite le déroulement de la séance. Je vous la conseille vraiment, si vous voulez bien vous préparer pour les différentes étapes d’admission! 🙂

January 16, 2022

Excellent coach! Catherine is very friendly, has great listening skills and was super helpful in answering my questions. She provided constructive feedback and helped me think deeper into scenarios and to structure my answers effeciently. She was also willing to give feedback to a practice question we had done after the meeting was over. I highly recommend Catherine!

January 16, 2022

Super sympathique! Aucune gêne, elle a une bonne écoute et sais comment t’aider. Elle m’a donnée d’excellents conseils & même certains documents qui aide beaucoup! Si jamais vous voulez vous préparer pour le CASPER, je vous la conseille! 🙂

January 12, 2022

Catherine était vraiment gentille et m’a donné beaucoup de bons commentaires. Elle était généreuse avec son temps et m’a donné plusieurs ressources pour les MMI et le Casper.

– Review left by anonymous user as per their request

January 12, 2022

Sabine’s session is very helpful! She went over the several common types of MMI questions with me and discussed the approaches. She is encouraging and supportive through and beyond our sessions. I highly recommend her!

January 10, 2022

Catherine est une excellente coach qui m’a donné de bons commentaires constructifs et des ressources pour me préparer au CASPer. Elle a su répondre à toutes mes questions et elle est vraiment dynamique.

January 8, 2022

I highly recommend Catherine as a coach! I really enjoyed our meeting and she was very helpful in answering my questions and giving me feedback on my answers. She also stayed a bit longer with me to make sure I understood and felt comfortable with what we had gone over during our meeting. She’s great!

January 6, 2022

I had a couple sessions with Patrick and I find them very helpful. He gave me constructive feedback on what I did good and what I could improve on. He also prepared a mix of different questions for different kind of interview stations. I would highly recommend Patrick!

January 6, 2022

Cathy is a excellent coach. I had incredible experience with her. She could simulate a real interview. Her advices and comments were really helpful.
I would definitely recommend booking with Cathy for your MMI.

January 6, 2022

Allyson is an awesome coach. She knows very well her job. I had a wonderful experience with her for my MMI. Her feedbacks and advices helped me a lot.
I would highly recommend her for your MMI.

January 6, 2022

Olivia is an awesome coach. She is always willing to help. I had an incredible experience with her. She simulated the same environment as a real interview.
Her feedbacks and advices are really helpful.
I do miss words to explain how much she is perfect in her job.
I would definitely recommend booking with Olivia for your MMI.

January 2, 2022

Catherine est très compétente et enthousiaste. Ses feedbacks sont pertinents et justes. Je la recommande fortement.

December 29, 2021

Olivia is an excellent MMI coach! She is a very genuine person and a great encouraging mentor:)
She provides many great tips and advices on how to prepare better for the interview. Also, Olivia recommends and provides great resources to read and watch for her students which can help tremendously when answering various MMI questions.
Highly recommend her!

December 29, 2021

I was very pleased to have decided to do a coaching session with Olivia! She was extremely kind, supportive, and encouraging. She was eager to answer any questions I had, and provided great resources. I would highly recommend her for any MMI prep.

December 26, 2021

Olivia is fantastic! She is super supportive and encouraging. She wen through different kinds of questions with me and the thought process for answering them. She encouraged to bring up my answers and gave very helpful feedback! I highly recommend Olivia for interview prepping.

December 8, 2021

Richard is great! He is very supportive and gave me his experience for applying to medical school. He also went over some sample MMI scenarios with me. I found the session extremely helpful and would highly recommends him for anyone!

December 1, 2021

Morgan is an amazing casper coach! I spent 2 sessions working with him and scored in the 4th quartile (highest quartile) on my casper test! He helped me come up with a strategy and is very friendly! Highly recommend.

November 28, 2021

Really informative and helpful practice session.

November 21, 2021

amazing MMI coaching sessions with Morgan. He is super friendly, kind and professional! his advices are extremely valuable for me when try to prepare and structure my answers. he provided me with great insight about the MMI interview. highly recommend!

November 20, 2021

I highly encourage everyone going through the medical school application to consider mymedcoach. Not only was Lilly patient with my questions but provided constructive feedback while ensuring all aspects of the application were touched upon. She’s very direct and answers all your questions. She provided me with suggestions and feedback which were very helpful!

November 20, 2021

Olivia helped me to greatly improve my confidence and ability to engage with even the most challenging MMI questions. Wonderful coach who really went above and beyond to ensure that I was prepared with supplemental questions and thorough feedback. If you are looking for help or feedback on your interview prep, Olivia has definitely got you covered!

November 7, 2021

Had a amazing session with Dr. Ahmed. He helped me greatly with my interview preparation, and really professional and informative. Provided me with lots of resources I can prepare and walked me through the whole process. Really kind and patient to me as well.

November 4, 2021

J’ai beaucoup aimé ma rencontre avec Catherine. Elle a été très aidant et rassurante tout au long de la rencontre. Elle a été très à l’écoute de mes inquiétudes et de mes questions. Elle m’a aidé à perfectionner mes réponses pour le casper et à trouver des trucs pour être plus performante. Elle est même rester un peu plus longtemps pour s’assurer que je sois sur d’avoir bien compris et que toutes mes questions aient été répondues. Je la recommande fortement.

October 27, 2021

I booked a session to prepare for the Casper test and Olivia really helped me to recognize my weaknesses with her constructive comments. She also gave me good advice to improve them so I can do better on test day.
I definitely recommend booking with Olivia to discuss your preparation for Casper!

October 25, 2021

Sabine is a great and helpful coach, she is very friendly and knowledgeable. She answered all of my questions. She helped me very much. I would recommend her to anyone.

October 21, 2021

Catherine est une coach extraordinaire! Elle est organisée, rassurante et enthousiaste. J’ai beaucoup apprécié sa façon d’évaluer et les astuces qu’elle m’a donné pour réussir le test Casper. Elle m’a même offert 30 minutes de plus environ de son temps pour discuter d’un exemple de plus et a partagé avec moi ses expériences personnelles. Je trouve que c’est très généreux de sa part. Je la recommande fortement!

October 21, 2021

Elle est vraiment aidante et empathique. Elle est aussi rassurante. Je la recommande fortement

October 20, 2021

Morgan is a fantastic CASPer coach and I cannot strongly recommend enough. He provides the structure and heuristics that enable you to solve even the toughest CASPer questions. His honest feedback and insight will help you not only in CASPer, but also evaluating different problems that occur in your own life. Thank you Morgan.

October 18, 2021

I had an MMI session with Sandy and she was absolutely amazing! Very professional and pleasant! She went into great depth to explain all the ins and outs of MMI. She was also very flexible to accommodate me on short notice and rescheduled to a time slot that worked best for me 🙂 I am a mature student and she was really patient throughout the session and made sure that I understood everything before moving to the next session. My advice to anyone out there who is looking to get an edge of MMI prep, stop wasting time and money elsewhere and rather book a session with Sandy! Thanks, Sandy for helping me out! Ranjeet

October 18, 2021

Wondu was a very kind and patient coach. I would strongly recommend him for those looking for practice!

We were able to engage in a mock panel-style interview with questions that were realistic and similar to what I faced on interview day.

He was very constructive with his feedback and communicative on how I could improve. This allowed me to leave the session feeling much more confident. You won’t be disappointed!

October 16, 2021

Olivia is so nice and so thorough. She was very encouraging while still being very specific with her critique. I would absolutely recommend booking with Olivia, for both how knowledgeable, and how kind and understanding she is. ?

October 15, 2021

I would highly recommend Catherine as a coach to help you with interviews! I learned a lot from her calm and strategic approach to the MMI. Before the session, she communicated with me to understand my weakness and tailored her session. She also gave me specific and thorough feedbacks on my answers. I will certainly book more sessions from her.

October 15, 2021

Very enthusiastic about helping and gave helpful advice

October 8, 2021

Weiting est un excellent coach qui donne des stratégies efficaces pour bien réussir le CASPer. Il est toujours à l’écoute et il sait comment bien identifier les faiblesses à travailler!

September 29, 2021

I had my applications reviewed by Olivia, and I’m really grateful for her suggestions! It was clear that she took her time to read through each and every word, helping to rephrase sentences and replacing with more powerful words. Not only does she give suggestions on phrasing, general editing, and correcting grammar, but she also provides her thoughts and comments on each essay as a whole – what you could do in general to it to improve it even more. She also addressed all of my questions with thoughtful responses. It was really clear that she cares about helping others – I really recommend Olivia!

September 25, 2021

Richard’s final review of my applications was very thorough and insightful. He provided a lot of useful feedback very quickly. I would highly recommend him if you need assistance with your written applications!

September 21, 2021

Excellent coach! I had a one-hour pre-application consultation session with Richard. He was very helpful, and gave me lots of valuable advice, both as a current medical student and as a previous med school applicant. Insight from someone who had been there before is precious. We talked about some details in the application process, his opinions on my current application status, and alternative routes to take if I don’t get a satisfying offer during my first round of application. I really learnt a lot in this one-hour session.

I highly recommend Richard as the one to go to when in doubt about med school application.

September 16, 2021

My session with Olivia was incredibly helpful! She is very nice, provides very thoughtful feedback and is very generous with her time. She was very prompt with her replies to my emails and is a great listener. I would definitely recommend her as a coach to help work on your application!

September 15, 2021

I had an incredible session with Simran. She provided me with great feedback for my essays and was very supportive. She is very kind and patient and was an overall incredible coach! I would highly recommend her ?

September 12, 2021

Olivia is friendly and knowledgeable! Her feedback on my ABS was very thoughtful. She provided many concrete examples, and I left the session with more insight on how to improve my application. I have worked with many med students in the past, but this is the most thorough feedback I have ever received. Thank you, Olivia!!

September 12, 2021

Ahmed was REALLY helpful for my application preparations : what to include and how tailor your answers to what the schools are looking for. As someone who isn’t gifted in writing essays I found his feedback and his guidance really helpful. Thank you for all your support !!

September 12, 2021

Alex était vraiment gentille et m’a beaucoup aidé à amener ma réflexion plus loin. J’ai beaucoup aimé ma séance avec elle et je vais clairement en reprendre une autre!

September 4, 2021

I had an amazing session with Olivia. She was very thorough with her feedback and provided me with great insight on how to improve my sketch. She was very friendly and patient and I can’t recommend her enough.

September 3, 2021

Olivia was super helpful and thorough with providing feedback on my essays. She responded really quickly and was very friendly. Her feedback and insight helped me feel more confident with my written applications. I would definitely recommend her!

September 1, 2021

Ahmed was extremely helpful in my application preparation. He took the time to go through my application in great detail and provided me with exceptional feedback. Thanks so much for all of your guidance and support through this stressful process!

September 1, 2021

J’ai vraiment eu une bonne séance avec Claudia. Elle est dynamique, organisée, à l’écoute et soucieuse des besoins de chacun. Elle partage d’excellents conseils selon son expérience Casper et MMI et n’hésite pas à commenter nos forces, mais aussi ce que l’on doit améliorer. Merci Claudia!

August 31, 2021

Olivia was so supportive and encouraging. She is very patient and actively listens to learn about different aspects of the application.

August 24, 2021

Ahmed was incredibly helpful in my application preparation. I wasn’t sure on which ideas to include in my essays and what the best way was to approach them, but Ahmed helped guide me through it all! Thank you so much for your mentorship!

August 22, 2021

Olivia was very helpful with my essays in the first session. She was well-prepared before the session and included very helpful written feedback in addition to the live meeting. She has a great understanding of what the med school may want to see in your essays, and really spent time understanding my application materials. I will not hesitate to recommend her to anyone else who needs help on application reviews!

August 2, 2021

Alex est une très bonne coach, elle a été très utile pour me préparer au CASPer et est également très amical. Elle fournit des conseils formidables, aide à repérer nos faiblesses et nous donne des feedbacks honnêtes pour améliorer nos réponses!

May 27, 2021

Morgan was an excellent interview coach! In just a few sessions working with Morgan, I felt more comfortable and confident in my ability to tackle any type of interview question with his frameworks and recommended structure for different answers. He is extremely friendly and professional, and goes above and beyond. He gave excellent feedback that I was able to take away and focus on in-between sessions. With Morgan’s coaching I felt much more confident going into my med interview and was accepted into my school of choice. I highly recommend!!

May 19, 2021

Wondu was very nice, helpful, and accommodating in guiding me through my interview prep session. Together, we worked through questions in the format of a mock interview and he provided me with detailed feedback about my responses. Thank you very much!

May 15, 2021

My session for mmi practice with Mo was extremely helpful. He really helped me approach the questions in a systematic way which I felt really organized my answers better. He was really great at giving me feedback and advice on my answers and definitely increased my confidence going forward. I would highly recommend him to others!

May 12, 2021

I am applying to Med-P (i.e. a preparatory year in the Faculty of Science followed by the Faculty of Medicine’s four-year M.D., C.M. program) this year. Sabine is extremely helpful with regards to all aspects of the application process. We have worked on my C.V., we have went over sample CASPer questions together, and we have also spoken about tips and tricks regarding the MMIs. She is super friendly, and gives very useful feedback when it comes to CASPer and MMI related questions and answers. I highly recommend booking a session with her as she has allowed me to prepare very efficiently for what is to come. ?


EDIT: Sabine was the best coach ever! She really calmed me down prior to my interview and prepared an interview simulation for me a couple days prior to my interview. Thanks to her help, I receive an offer at McGill for the Med-P program. She also coached me for my CASPer test, and I received an offer from all three French medical schools in Quebec, i.e., University of Laval, University of Montreal and University of Sherbrooke. I really would recommend booking a session with her!

May 7, 2021

I had a couple mock MMI sessions with Patrick, and have nothing but good things to say! He came prepared to our meeting with practice questions, and shared valuable resources and feedback to help me prepare for my interview. He was also very willing to talk about his experiences as a medical student, which was also very helpful in giving me things to discuss during the interview. Overall, he is a very kind, genuine person, and very willing to help you succeed at achieving your goals. 5 stars!! ?

May 2, 2021

Mo was incredibly helpful. He started by asking me what type of questions I wanted practice on, and whether I wanted to do a bunch of questions in a row or receive feedback after each question. I picked to have feedback after each question for my first session with Mo. This helped me improve my answers over the course of the session. He also gave a great 5 step process to think through and formulate answers to questions that I thought was very helpful. He is very insightful and gives very useful feedback. He is very knowledgeable about Western’s medical school program. I highly recommend Mo.

April 15, 2021

Alex was wonderful helping me out with my CASPer prep! She had lots of knowledge on how to answer questions and how I could tweak my current answers to save time and improve their quality. She also had plenty of resources for the CASPer that I can use to prep in the future.

April 14, 2021

Great coach that truly cares for her students. Gave very helpful tips.

April 12, 2021

Sabine was an amazing asset to my MMI preparation and I can’t imagine my interview experience without her guidance. She’s not only an amazing and fun person but a great coach who gives precise feedback. I can’t recommend her enough!

April 12, 2021

Claudia was an amazing asset to my MMI preparation and I can’t imagine my interview experience without her guidance. Every session I had with her was organized and I felt like it was very useful. She took the time to explain to me how to approach the situation and provided insightful feedback. She was very supportive and understood all my concerns. I feel 1000% more prepared for my interview because of her.

April 7, 2021

I received a lot of help from Mo when preparing the interview. He was willing to have a mock interview session with me and then point out the areas I could improve on. Mo was also very easy-going, so he was able to provide a lot of constructive feedback in a kind way. Overall, I highly recommend Mo if you need help with interview prep!

April 4, 2021

I would strongly recommend Mo for those seeking out interview prep sessions. He hosted a 40 minute mock panel which ended up being very similar to my actual interviews. The questions he included were pertinent and varied in type.

Following the interview he was very constructive with his feedback and communicative in how I could improve. You won’t be disappointed!

April 4, 2021

I bought the application review package and my U of T application was matched and reviewed by Wondu. Unfortunately, I found his comments to be too general. Additionally, there were only 1-2 comments per essay, even though it was my first rough draft, and I felt that I needed much more guidance, editing, and rephrasing than what I got back. Additionally, for my OMSAS ABS, I didn’t receive much guidance either- just one general comment for my entire sketch, which consisted of 32 entries. In the end, I changed a total of 2 sentences from my three essays that he suggested. Unfortunately, I ended up paying another application service; however, I found that was much more thorough and provided me with all the help that I needed.

April 1, 2021

Cathy was very helpful in helping me prep for both MMI and panel interviews! She was very knowledgeable about the structure of both interviews, what schools are looking for, and gave great advice about how to improve my answers. She was very organized & prepared, and gave me lots of confidence going into my interviews. I would definitely recommend Cathy as a coach!

March 30, 2021

Cathy gave me a mock interview similar to UWO style and I really liked it. It also boosted my confidence.

March 27, 2021

Patrick did a great job creating scenarios that were similar to the ones you get on the MMI. He offered advice on how to organize your answers and approach the various types of questions that the MMI may ask you.

March 27, 2021

Harry is a wonderful coach and is very knowledgeable about the MMI process. He provides great feedback and creates scenarios that mimic the type of questions offered by various universities. He also helps you expand your knowledge of the medical field and teaches you systematic approaches to address almost any scenario. Definitely a worthwhile investment.

March 24, 2021

Cathy was an extremely kind and positive coach.

We had a lovely discussion about her current medical school experiences and engaged in a mock panel interview. Her questions were realistic and included many different types. This experience was similar to what I faced on interview day.

Following this mock panel, she was very constructive with her feedback and allowed me to leave the session feeling much more confident. You won’t be disappointed!

March 21, 2021

Cathy was an amazing and kind coach. She helped me navigate through some aspects of a school-specific interview style and provided me with personalized feedback. I really appreciated the different perspectives that I could have considered in my answer. Definitely recommend her as a coach!

March 18, 2021

Alex a été formidable et totalement a l’écoute. Elle a cherché à bien comprendre mes attentes et mes demandes pour mieux m’aider. Elle m’a aussi aidé a repérer mes points faibles et nous avons pu les travailler au cours de la session. Elle a également pris le temps de me donner des conseils même après notre séance.
Je la recommande vivement !

March 15, 2021

Patrick was great! Offered tips that I wouldn’t have thought of, and helped make my answers more organized.

March 14, 2021

What an amazing individual. Thanks for all of your help Mo in preparing for my interview.

March 9, 2021

Cathy was a great, sincere interview coach. She came prepared for every session and did a great job of emulating an interview environment. Going through mock interviews with her and receiving detailed feedback really helped me feel prepared for my interview. She did a great job of outlining exactly what it is that interviewers are looking for. I would highly recommend Cathy as a coach!

March 8, 2021

I booked multiple sessions with Cathy during one interview season and I have nothing but good things to say. She is very kind, but also honest. She lets you know of mistakes you’ve made or things you can improve, but in an uplifting way so you are not discouraged. She is easy to feel comfortable around so you can make the most of your session. She is also very prepared for anything you need. I switched back and forth from MMI to panel prep and she always had new and challenging questions to ask me. She pays good attention to detail, if you are trying to work on something you can be sure she will watch for it and catch you when you do it! I would absolutely recommend Cathy as a coach!

March 8, 2021

Cathy was very helpful, kind, and encouraging during our mock MMI sessions. She always went the extra mile to give me constructive criticism. Such an amazing coach to work with. I highly recommend Cathy!

March 8, 2021

Cathy was very knowledgeable about the MMI and the kinds of things assessors look for. The coaching session was well-organized and she was prepared with a presentation and a variety of practice questions. Her criticisms were constructive and she had lots of great suggestions for ways to improve my answers and additional things I could talk about during the interview, but as well as suggesting ways to improve, she made sure to emphasize the things that I did well, which made me feel much more confident and comfortable during my MMI. I would recommend Cathy as a coach!

March 8, 2021

Alex is helpful, friendly and passionate about teaching.
As an English speaker, explored and successful in French world, I found her experiences as a great asset and helped me alot on my preparation for interview.

March 8, 2021

5/5 for all categories

Great coach and an even greater person.

March 6, 2021

Patrick is a great coach! He gave amazing feedback on how I could better structure and format my answers, and on including differing perspectives to help my answer stand out. Really enjoyed our session together!

March 4, 2021

Session de coaching enrichissant avec Claudia! Elle a fourni des astuces et conseils très utiles pour les entrevues et durant la pratique, elle a pris le temps de ressortir mes points forts ainsi que de m’expliquer comment travailler sur mes points faibles. Je la recommande fortement!

March 4, 2021

C’était une séance très utile avec Claudia qui est une excellente coach. Elle m’a aidé pour me préparer au entrevus de Carms, en pratiquant des scénarios d’éthique ainsi que des questions de l’entrevu. Elle m’a donné de précieux commentaires et beaucoup de suggestions. Je la recommande fortement. Merci Claudia.

February 28, 2021

Very organised from the start! Sent me an email requesting my CV, and giving the links for all our planned sessions and asked for my goals. Those goals were then targeted in the sessions using her personalized question banks and answering strategies. Claudia had fantastic suggestions and good feedback to share which ultimately contributed a lot to my personal practice. I highly recommend Claudia as a coach even if she does not have interview experience with your school (she didn’t for me)

February 24, 2021

Claudia was extremely helpful to me in writing a CV for my med applications. She knows how to build an excellent CV and pays attention to important details that I personally would have missed. Before the session, I was very unsure about how I should approach writing my CV, but Claudia was very friendly and professional, leaving me much more confident than I was before the coaching session. She was also very sincere and took the time to answer my questions and concerns about medicine and admissions. I would 100% recommend Claudia if you are looking for help or reinforcement with your med applications!

February 22, 2021

Weiting est un excellent coach, toujours à l’écoute de mes réponses et à la recherche des meilleurs commentaires pour que je m’améliore. En que quelques séances, j’ai déja vu une grande amélioration en intégrant dans mes pratiques ses commentaires. Je le recommande à 100%!!

February 21, 2021

Annita was a great help to prep for my interview and customized/tailored the session towards my needs. She gave her advice on what she would do in my shoes, and then worked with me to improve my responses. Super helpful, nothing but good things to say!

February 21, 2021

Claudia donne du très bon feedback sur les scénarios casper et propose des supers techniques en vue de répondre de manière plus efficace aux questions. Je la recommande!

February 20, 2021

Allyson helped me review my initial application to medical school back in the Fall last year, and also coached me through two interview practice sessions this year. She was really approachable and encouraging as a coach, and offered helpful feedback during each of our meetings. I would recommend her to anyone looking for help with the application process! Thank you again =)

February 19, 2021

I highly recommend Elena for your interview journey! I found the reviews on this page truly reflective of my experience with Elena as a coach. Elena provides tailored and constructive feedback, while also providing techniques for you to improve. Time in the session is used effectively and great resources are provided.

I personally struggle a lot with confidence in interviewing. Elena picked up on it immediately and coached me through ways to overcoming it. By practicing with Elena I’ve come out a little more confident and feel I’ve gained more tools and insight to succeed and make the most of my MMI preparation journey.

Seriously awesome!! Thank you, Elena!

February 19, 2021

Morgan is an exceptional interview coach. He gives honest, straightforward feedback, and he challenges me in every session to make sure that I’ll feel comfortable and well-prepared for anything that comes my way on interview day. Morgan is also extremely detail-oriented, and gives constructive criticism not only on the general ideas I discuss in my MMI stations, but also on particular word choice, tone of voice, facial expressions, etc. It’s clear that he is genuinely invested in my success. I highly recommend booking a session with him!

February 19, 2021

Excellent coach! J’ai appris beaucoup avec lui!

February 17, 2021

Sabine is a fantastic coach. She is knowledgeable, organized and patient. I would recommend her to anyone.

February 17, 2021

Shalom is has been a very helpful coach for my MMI interview and I would highly recommend him. Thank you.

February 17, 2021

J’ai eu ma première séance de coaching avec Claudia aujourd’hui en vue de me préparer à l’examen CASPer. Elle est extrêmement sympathique et ses commentaires, très pertinents. Les scénarios que j’ai pratiqués avec elle étaient également plus corcés que ceux des pratiques offertes par Medcoach que j’avais faites avant, et maintenant que j’ai eu son feedback, je me sens davantage en confiance. J’ai déjà hâte à notre prochaine séance!

February 17, 2021

Je vous recommande vraiment Claudia, elle est très professionnelle. Son concept de coaching est très bien, elle vous donne de très bonnes techniques pour bien répondre aux questions des entrevues/casper. Merci Claudia!!

I really recommend Claudia, she’s very professional. Her coaching concept is very good, she gives you very good techniques to answer the questions of the interviews/casper. Thank you Claudia!

February 16, 2021

Claudia is an amazing, professional, and very insightful coach. She was very critical of my interview answers and in turn provided tons of awesome and tailored feedbacks. She always takes time to answer any questions I had and I can’t recommend her enough if you are looking for coaching for interview prep!

February 15, 2021

I booked multiple sessions with Allyson and she is amazing. She is gives a lot of feedback but is also very encouraging! If you have the opportunity to work with her I would highly recommend her. I had initially booked sessions with a couple of coaches and she is BY FAR the best coach I have ever had!

February 15, 2021

Prachi was very helpful and encouraging during my session with her. She provided great feedback on structuring my answers and different ways to incorporate information in my answers. Thank you so much 🙂

February 15, 2021

My daughter is in High School and review options for University. Prachi provided wonderful feedback, tips, options, acceptance criteria should my daughter decide to apply to study Medicine. Much appreciated. Thank you.

February 15, 2021

My MMI practice session with Prachi was incredibly helpful and informative. Her feedback was very clear and direct – not only did she thoroughly breakdown the strengths and weaknesses of each of my answers, she provided effective strategies and frameworks I could use to answer different types of questions. At the end of my session, she provided specific tasks that I could work on & helped me structure the rest of my interview prep. I would highly recommend Prachi as an interview coach 🙂 Thanks so much!

February 15, 2021

My MMI prep session with Prachi was very helpful! She broke down my answers to the questions really well and provided feedback on each component. As well, she provided some useful insight/advice on how to approach some of the tougher MMI stations like the role-playing ones. Overall, her feedback was very informative and she was very kind/supportive. I highly recommend booking a session with her!

February 15, 2021

Prachi is super helpful and gave tailored advice to your level of preparation! She also puts in the extra effort to make sure to adjust her advice to your application. Very kind and approachable. Nothing but good things to say!

February 15, 2021

I booked a one hour session with Prachi to practice questions. Prachi provided excellent, constructive feedback on how to improve my answers, and helped me to gain confidence in my answers. Thank you, Prachi!

February 11, 2021

Patrick is a very friendly and helpful coach! Our MMI session was a mix between standard theory and practice, and he makes sure to tailor it to your needs and skill level. Overall, he works with you to ensure that you get the most out of the session, and gives help, constructive and detailed feedback. Nothing but great things to say!!

February 9, 2021

Cathy was great – very professional and knowledgeable. She gave insightful advice regarding many of the things I was unsure about. She was great at really listening to my concerns and patiently attending to each one of them. She came up with a great list of panel questions to ask me and took the time to go through each of one, making sure to tell me both what I did well and what I did not so well. Anyone who is unsure of their interviewing abilities should book a session with her!

February 9, 2021

Allyson is very friendly, professional, and positive. She is extremely supportive. Her comments and help with my applications and interview were really helpful. She is an excellent coach and I definitely suggest her.
Thank you, Allyson.

February 9, 2021

Excellent experience with Patrick! He was well prepared for our session and gave great feedback and suggestions. He was also very personable and easy to speak with.

February 8, 2021

Cathy is extremely kind and helpful. During interview preparation she will help you to identify weak points while also emphasizing and encouraging things you do well. She was very helpful with my panel interview prep. and I would absolutely recommend her services!

February 8, 2021

Sabine was very kind and helpful and willing to answer all my questions regarding the MMI interview. I would highly recommend her coaching for others doing the MMI.

February 7, 2021

Cathy was a great help, and the practice MMI scenarios helped me prepare for what we might see in the actual interview. She goes the extra mile, and it is great to hear her constructive criticism. She works with you to identify points you can work on, and is super friendly and approachable! Nothing but great things to say!

February 6, 2021

Claudia is very professional, authentic and genuine. She was very helpful in guiding me in my preparation (which was tailored to me). To add to this, she also gave me a lot of tools and subjects to read up on for my interviews.

February 5, 2021

My MMI prep session with Prachi was very helpful! She broke down my answers to the questions really well and provided feedback on each component. As well, she provided some useful insight/advice on how to approach some of the tougher MMI stations like the role-playing ones. Overall, her feedback was very informative and she was very kind/supportive. I highly recommend booking a session with her!

February 5, 2021

Mo is an excellent coach, who delivers highly personalized advice, while offering his perspective and experiences. He goes the extra mile to make sure you get the preparation that you need and is always there to give constructive feedback. He is also very approachable and the session is overall very enjoyable. Nothing but great things to say!

February 5, 2021

What else could I say — Sabine is simply an awesome coach! She is super knowledgeable about the MMI process and what it entails. She took the time to answer all of my questions thoroughly and really gave me invaluable information. I can’t thank her enough for her help and I recommend her without a shadow of a doubt to anyone who is looking to get help in ALL aspects of the application process.

February 3, 2021

Sabine is a great and very friendly coach! Also she makes sure to give you practical, detailed and personalized advice, and works with you to make sure you reach your objectives. Furthermore, she is always open to communication and questions during the session, and makes sure every session is super interactive. Nothing but great things to say about her!!

February 3, 2021

Sabine is very patient and supportive!! She is passionate about helping me and always makes sure that I understand her. Thank you Sabine!! ?

February 2, 2021

Cathy was very kind and was open to discuss a lot of questions about the school and the interview style with me!

February 1, 2021

Very professional and genuine!

January 31, 2021

Sabine was amazing in helping me with MMI! She provided me with feedbacks that targets very well to my problems and she was very supportive. She also provided me with great resources that I could use to prepare on my own.

January 30, 2021

Sabine was fantastic. Can’t say enough about her! I had several sessions booked with Sabine, and we worked through a variety of questions and interview strategies. Beyond just providing coaching during the sessions, Sabine was also amazing in reaching out via email when she came across resources she thought would be relevant for my interview prep (websites, videos, etc.). Thank you so much, Sabine! You are awesome ?

January 29, 2021

Jenny is a great coach! She is specific in her feedback and there to help you. She encourages you to challenge your difficulties and work on goals designed for your needs. She asks you questions and keeps you engaged. Would really recommend!

January 29, 2021

Claudia has been incredibly professional and very helpful. She not only tells you the parts where you did correctly, but also is not afraid to tell you about areas that you can improve upon, and works together with you to achieve it. She is also very prompt to reply to any questions or concerns that you may have, and has ensured that the session is tailored to your needs and skill level. I have nothing but great things to say!

January 28, 2021

Claudia was the sweetest and most organized coach.

1) within less then with a few hours of booking she already reached out with a zoom link, and a survey for me to complete as well as asking me to send me my CV so she can make the experience personalized. I really appreciated this. Supper professional and supper organized!
2) We role played some scenarios together and gave really good feedback. She has done the MMI both for dent and for med so she’s very familiar with the process and I like that she gave me concrete things to work on and not just general random advice. I think its very important for a coach to be able to spot your weakness and give concrete feedback and Claudia did just that.
3) She spent additional time to answer questions I had about being a Med student which I really appreciate, coaches cut you off sometimes after an hour and Claudia was really sincere and genuine and took additional time to answer my questions about what med school is really like. You can tell she really loves her profession but she really enjoys coaching and wants to genuinely help you.

Overall I really loved working with her!

January 27, 2021

Sabine was a really, really great help for MMI preparation. She was thoughtful, patient and kind. She answered all of my questions well beyond my expectations. I highly recommend her. Thank you Sabine!

January 25, 2021

Morgan has been extremely helpful in my interview prep for med school! He has frameworks for different types of questions which have helped me develop concise and easy-to-follow answers. He has encouraged me to examine my personal stories in order to develop genuine answers. He goes above and beyond what I ever expected in a coach and I would recommend everyone to work with Morgan as a coach for interview prep.

January 23, 2021

It was a pleasure to practice with Cathy and talk about my confusion regarding MMI. Cathy was really nice and gave instructive feedback. I can see Cathy’s trying to be really warm and encouraging which made me feel much more comfortable during the mock scenarios.

January 23, 2021

Sabine helped me prepare for my CASPer exam and she helped make me confident in my abilities! She gave me useful tools to answer the questions and gave me sample problems with how to properly answer them! I definitely recommend her and will be asking for her help again for the MMIs and looking over CVs!

January 22, 2021

I liked the detailed feedback for the practice scenarios.

January 22, 2021

I liked the organization of the class and the type of scenarios presented during the class. The scenarios opened the door for deeper conversations about interesting topics in health advocacy which enabled me to start thinking in the “MMI” way. Manasi presented the material clearly and provided a very comprehensive feedback. I think one thing that could be improved is to provide a sample answer for the scenarios after giving the feedback.

January 22, 2021

Her feedback and professionalism in her answers made this course really interesting and useful (weekly MMI 2021)

January 22, 2021

She was very receptive and positive. I liked how she used the cake method to criticize us. I would definitely take her as my coach in few weeks

January 22, 2021

The strategies of answering different types of scholar scenarios were amazing. I also like the feedback provided by Morgan and his instructions. I honestly can’t think of anything that can be improved about Class 6 (weekly MMI 2021).

January 19, 2021

I had few sessions with Allyson. She was well prepared, professional and helpful and I enjoyed my sessions with her. She had her own style of teaching which perfectly suited and targeted the areas I needed to improve. Thank you Allyson.

January 18, 2021

So far, I have had one session with Morgan, and I could not be more pleased with the coaching I received during our session. He was beyond my expectation. He is highly professional, friendly, insightful, and patient. He goes over every single detail and gives detailed feedback, which really helps with the frameworks and structures of answers. Although it was already passed 1 hour in our session, he still made sure to explain everything patiently and genuinely wanted me to understand. I am looking forward to having more sessions with him and honestly cannot recommend anyone better than him for interview prep. Thank you Morgan ?

January 16, 2021

Jenny is an excellent coach. She helped me to get to know about the MMI format and how I can organize my answers. Her feedbacks are really helpful. Through the excellent advice from her, I became aware of my weaknesses and I was able to work on them.

January 14, 2021

I like that during the Weekly MMI 2021 Morgan was not going easy on the scoring and was more straight with the things to improve. I appreciated the variability of questions and especially the FERMI style question.

January 12, 2021

An absolutely phenomenal coach that you cannot go wrong with. I’ve tried other companies and by far the sessions with Harry have been the most efficient, effective, and worthwhile. HUGE thank you!

January 11, 2021

Excellent coach qui donne des bons conseils!

January 9, 2021

Cathy was helpful in providing MMI guidance. She clarified many of my questions and provided valuable advice. I would definitely recommend her services to others!

January 1, 2021

Great coach! I’ve had two mmi coaching sessions with Patrick so far that have been extremely helpful. He’s given me a lot of concrete advice on how to improve my weak areas. Patrick has helped me a lot in structuring my responses to opinion and policy type questions and has also given me a lot of guidance on how to approach acting stations. Prior to my coaching sessions with Patrick, I had a couple coaching sessions with a much more expensive prep service. However, I’ve found that I’ve learned much more with Patrick, as his sessions are tailored to what you would like to focus on, and he is great at providing accurate feedback and answering any questions you may have. Additionally, Patrick was well-prepared for our sessions and put a lot of effort into helping me improve. I’ve really enjoyed my coaching sessions with Patrick so far and am looking forward to my upcoming sessions!

December 29, 2020

Jenny was an excellent coach at simulating an MMI interview. She introduced me to the MMI format very well and had a very good knowledge of what types of MMI questions to expect. Overall I really liked my time with her. It may have been better if she didn’t try to deter me from pursuing my program of choice by making my experiences seem irrelevant. Perhaps she should not start in a negative way.

December 21, 2020

Cathy was very kind, patient, and helpful! She allowed time for feedback and was really open to answering questions about the interview process.

December 16, 2020

Weiting est un bon coach qui est toujours prêt pour nos rencontres. Il m’a aidé à mieux structurer mes réponses et à mieux les nuancer. De plus, même lorsque l’on n’avait pas de rencontre prévue et que j’avais une question, il a toujours été disponible pour me répondre. Je le recommande!

November 30, 2020

Mo is very supportive and easy to talk to. He gives me great suggestions to approach cerntain types of questions. I highly recommend him!

November 24, 2020

Noushin est vraiment une coach superbe qui prend le temps d’écouter tes besoins. Elle donne des commentaires très constructifs et encourageants ce qui m’a beaucoup aidé à raffiner mes réponses et sentir plus confiante de ma performance au Casper. Je suis très contente et satisfaite d’avoir eu une session avec elle donc je la recommande fortement !

November 22, 2020

Manasi is an incredible coach and I am really grateful for all of her help! I used her expertise for application advice/editing and CASPer prep, and hope to consult with her again for interviews. She is very insightful and always went above and beyond for all of our sessions to ensure I felt comfortable with the material we discussed. She is kind and compassionate while also being honest and upfront when sharing constructive feedback. Manasi is very thorough and always followed up with me if I had any questions she was unsure about in a session. Her coaching style is exactly what I was looking for and it is very evident how much she cares about her students! Thank you so much Manasi for guiding me through this experience!

November 19, 2020

My personal experience with Shalom gave me the confidence I needed to proceed with my application and he is very generous with his knowledge and very insightful. Through his mentoring and positive support , I strengthened my knowledge which empowered me to believe that I can accomplish whatever dream I choose for myself.

When it comes to coaching, I can without reservation recommend him to you!

November 12, 2020

Weiting est un très bon coach qui prend le temps de t’écouter et de renforcer tes faiblesses. Il m’a vraiment guidé dans la structuration de mes idées ce qui m’a donné plus de confiance dans la formulation de mes réponses. Les sessions sont remplies de pratiques et de conseils enrichissants donc je le recommande fortement !

November 3, 2020

Jenny was incredibly helpful and gave me some amazing tools to help me prepare for MMI. She was encouraging, and had amazing constructive feedback. She took the time to practice MMI questions with me and gave me excellent advice on what I could improve on.

October 23, 2020

I had 3 coaching sessions with Weiting for CASPer and CASPer snapshot prep. We practiced various CASPer scenarios and he gave me helpful tips as well as in-depth explanations. Not only was he extremely helpful but made the CASPer situations realistic thus not giving me any false confidence which I was very grateful for. At the end of every session, he gave me a 5 minute rundown of what we went through and what I needed to work on which was very effective for my learning style. He also replied to all my questions in a quick and professional manner outside of class time. I highly recommend Weiting as a coach and I will definitely book more sessions with him in the future.

October 17, 2020

Jenny is an ideal coach if you want to have an honest, straight to the point and efficient session. She did a great job pointing out my weaknesses and giving me several tips to improve my answers. Overall, really helpful and I highly recommend!

October 14, 2020

Great coach, very helpful, professional and was well prepared for what I wanted to work on during the MMI prep session! She is the one who pays attention to your weakness and trie to improve you based on them. Highly recommended.

October 11, 2020

Un Coach très connaissant et préparé pour les rencontres. Toujours disponible pour répondre à mes questions.

September 27, 2020

Sabine is very kind, patient, welcoming and knowledgeable person. Definitely I advice her!

September 20, 2020

CASPer Crash Course: This coach was very clear and well spoken. She gave the best feedback of the three!

September 20, 2020

CASPer Crash Course: Very helpful and more straightforward with her feedback.

September 19, 2020

Her advice is very insightful. Recommend her!

September 17, 2020

Manasi was a fantastic coach for MMI prep! She quickly identified areas of strengths and weaknesses and provided targeted and effective feedback in areas requiring improvement. She created a study plan and was always prepared for each of our sessions. She provided a number of helpful resources, ran through multiple practice scenarios and provided detailed feedback on each one of my answers. She even met up with me in person to run mock MMI stations ahead of my interview (pre-COVID). Her insight into the interview process and knowledge of logistical aspects of the MMI really helped me feel prepared and confident on the day of my interview. She was great at accommodating my work schedule and delivering efficient preparation sessions given my limited availability. Highly recommend!!

September 16, 2020

Casper Crash Course: The explanations and tips were great. It would be good to speak a bit louder.

September 16, 2020

CASPer Crash Course: I liked how rigorous she was and tried to criticize us. If I had a chance to get more feedback from her, it would be great!

September 16, 2020

CASPer Crash Course: Very engaging presentation and dissection of the questions.

September 16, 2020

CASPer Crash Course: She was very coherent, I liked her examples of justice, equality, and equity. I would have been so happy if I got feedback from her although I know there are lots of people.

September 16, 2020

CASPer Crash Course: Thank you!

September 11, 2020

Jenny doesn’t pull any punches, but that’s exactly what you want if you want to get into medical school. She gave me a solid plan of action and broke down my weaknesses from past application cycles. Jenny also gave me a lot of food for thought and resources to read over as well. Super useful as someone finding their way back to the medical school dream.

You won’t regret booking a session with her.

September 7, 2020

I’d highly recommend Morgan for MMI prep! He provides structured frameworks to approach different styles of questions and he walks you through implementing them. I specifically found it helpful when he put my personal experiences and answers into the structured format, which helps you understand how much you can improve the delivery of the same content. He is approachable, supportive and he gives great advice on ways to improve. Thanks Morgan!

September 4, 2020

Lauren was super knowledgable about the application process and gave a ton of advice for my essay! Was able to book a same day appointment luckily through this website. 10/10

September 3, 2020

Mo was very resourceful and guided me with how to approach the med school application process. He is very easy to talk to and an overall excellent coach! I highly recommend him.

August 31, 2020

She is extremely helpful and patient to me. She clearly and quickly pointed out what I need to work on. Also, She is really passionate about what she is doing. Very helping attitude.

August 30, 2020

I have had a couple sessions with Morgan and so far I could not be happier. Morgan provided a fantastic framework that has helped me to formulate answers to MMI questions. He takes the time to address each step of the framework and always gives genuine and constructive feedback. Thanks again Morgan!

August 16, 2020

I’ve had a few one-on-one coaching sessions with Morgan in preparation for my MMI interview and could not be more pleased with the coaching I’ve received. He is highly professional, insightful and very helpful. His frameworks have helped me structure my responses in a way that is much more effective in getting my ideas across. His coaching is structured and his constructive and sensitive feedback has only helped me improve. Thanks Morgan!

June 16, 2020

Fantastic coach! Allyson makes you feel ready and confident for your NOSM interviews. There’s nothing better than having someone who successfully went through the process to help you out.

May 15, 2020

Jenny is an amazing tutor! Her advice is very on point and insightful. Definitely recommend!

May 13, 2020


I had a few sessions with Harry over a couple of weeks (Learned alot in such a short period of time). Each session he provided new feedback and I could really tell he wanted me to succeed. Every little tip he gave was super helpful for me to craft my responses. Harry also has a great attitude and positivity.

1 month later after writing the Casper that was worth about 50% of my entrance, I got an acceptance letter 🙂 Thank you so much Harry!!

May 10, 2020

I greatly appreciate the guidance and support Shalom provided me throughout both the application and interview process for medical school. His feedback was insightful, constructive and helpful. I highly recommend him as a coach!

April 18, 2020

Allyson was an exceptional coach! She always came extremely prepared to the sessions with excellent practice questions. She also took a genuine interest in me as a person, remembering all of my experiences or activities. This was very helpful as she helped me incorporate these into practice questions. My favorite part about sessions with Allyson is that I always came away feeling confident and encouraged. I appreciate Allyson’s positivity and encouragement! I would recommend Allyson any day!

April 18, 2020

I am pleased to write this review for Shalom, who was immensely helpful during my MMI interview prep. The best thing about him is that he takes the time & effort to get to know you, offers suggestions and helps you personalize your approach.
Excellent coach, friendly, helpful and encouraging! Another good thing about him is that he doesn’t make you feel rushed for time.
I highly recommend Shalom for interview coaching!

April 10, 2020

Morgan has been extremely helpful and really goes above and beyond to make sure my approaches to questions yield full, complete and compassionate answers. He’s adaptable in his teaching method and the he gave me excellent guiding materials. I appreciate Morgan’s honesty and his constructive criticism/feedback. Thank you Morgan!

April 7, 2020

Allyson is an excellent coach! Her experience and insight into the interview process and the field of medicine was invaluable in helping me build my confidence for the MMI. She really helped me to polish my answers and think about the Northern Ontario connection whenever possible. I looked forward to every practice session I had with her. All of Allyson’s questions were unique and thought-provoking. She was truly great to work with!

April 4, 2020

Cathy was extremely knowledgeable and personable interview coach! She gave really honest and detailed feedback, and is really kind and encouraging. I felt a lot more comfortable with the panel-style interview after our session. I would highly recommend Cathy as a coach!

March 31, 2020

I highly recommend Allyson for interview prep at any school! Her practice questions are excellent and she gives very helpful feedback on how to make an answer stand out. She is very knowledgeable on the admissions process and was a pleasure to work with.

March 30, 2020

Allyson is seriously the BEST coach anyone could ask for. She provided honest and encouraging feedback that really helped me feel so much more confident going into the interview. She also shares her experiences as a medical student and physician to help you learn more about the medical profession and the medical school program, so that you actually know what you’re talking about and are more insightful with your answers. Allyson was also really amazing at recalling all of the activities and experiences that I told her about, so that she can discuss with me how to incorporate them into my answers and stand out in an interview. One of the things that also really impressed me about Allyson is that she doesn’t use those conventional questions available online. She sometimes creates her own questions based on her experiences, and I was happy with the parallels between her questions and a couple of the ones I had to answer for my interview. Can’t say enough good things about Allyson, would 100% recommend her to anyone in a heartbeat!

March 30, 2020

I have absolutely nothing negative to say about Allyson. She was always very professional and provided great feedback. She helped me with confidence and really lessened my nerves.

March 21, 2020

Jenny is an absolute perfectionist. If you want someone that will find all your weaknesses, and try their best to iron them out, by giving you relevant knowledge and techniques that you can integrate into your performances, then Jenny is the appropriate coach for you. Also, she is aware of the difficulties that any medical school applicant faces, and she responds to that by giving you a way of approaching it all — a mentality to adopt, or a perspective to utilize.

March 10, 2020

Morgan is an excellent coach and gave really thoughtful and pointed feedback when helping me put together my ABS. He brought up a lot of suggestions that I never would have thought of and that helped me improve the quality of my application. Thanks Morgan!

March 9, 2020

Morgan is very insightful and was extremely helpful in getting me acclimated with the application process. He really takes the time to get to know his clients and help them to the best of his abilities. Gives really good constructive criticism. You can clearly see that teaching is a passion of his. I would highly recommend booking a session with Morgan!

March 9, 2020

Morgan went through several of my ABS entries to help me get a feel of how to fill out the activities while demonstrating the key skills and qualities. Super helpful!

March 9, 2020

Morgan helped me in articulating what I wanted to say in a clear manner and provided pinpoint feedback. He has a calm demeanour and encouraged me to explore my response and hone in on one or two points to help make my response more concise. Morgan structured the session flexibly and covered whatever I brought up in a prompt fashion, allowing me to get lots of feedback from one session. I highly recommend working with him! Thank you again Morgan!

March 9, 2020

Morgan was very helpful, and the passion that he has for teaching/coaching is inspiring. He helped me to clearly identify and work on my weaknesses and tackle the fears I had while preparing for the MMI. He always gave clear, honest feedback and he has excellent insight into the interview process at various schools. I also appreciated his sense of humour during times that I was feeling particularly stressed. My only regret is not booking more sessions with him!! Would recommend him to anyone needing help with interview preparation. Thank you again Morgan!

March 4, 2020

Harry made my dream come true. For someone coming from Africa and trained in Africa I never thought I would be able to go back to my profession. During my first session with Harry I thought I was a lost case. I knew I was not very good but Harry never gave up on me and he helped me with remarkable humanity and professionalism. And after only three sessions he changed my life and today I am happy to say I matched to a program where interviews count for 40%. I am really grateful Harry, I hope you read this because I won’t have made it without your help. Thank you

March 4, 2020

Morgan helped so much in preparing for my MMI and panel interviews. He gives honest, constructive feedback and is super friendly! He provides helpful resources to structure your responses. Highly recommend Morgan as a coach!

February 29, 2020

The session was well structured and allowed in depth critical feedback and corrective strategies. Morgan is very thoughtful and gave me useful notes in regards to some of the intricacies of the MMI assessment process and how I should navigate my answers regardless of the topic. Would definitely recommend.

February 17, 2020

Honestly, Morgan gives really helpful feedback and his teaching points are really awesome! I definitely have improved greatly since working with Morgan both through group coaching and one-on-one. I would highly recommend him as a coach and am happy that I got to work with him to prepare for my interviews! Thanks again Morgan for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help out!

February 16, 2020

I highly recommend Morgan. He gave some unique points and advice that I feel would be very useful for my interview. Thanks again!

February 16, 2020

I highly recommend Morgan as an interview prep coach. He taught me simple and helpful frameworks for answering different kinds of interview questions. He is very friendly, provides great constructive feedback, and always has an insightful answer to any question you might have about interviewing.
Morgan is also passionate about coaching, and it shows – he is generous with his time and he will go above & beyond to make sure that you are equipped to succeed in your interviews.

February 13, 2020

The group courses that Morgan runs are very helpful. They taught me how to approach the stations in a systematic way. I also like it very much that Morgan shares his own answers for questions such as why medicine. I found them very inspirational and also informative. Overall, Morgan is definitely a great coach.

February 11, 2020

Morgan is a great coach who provided me with detailed constructive feedback on my interviewing skills and was able to advise me on ways I could improve. He’s passionate about coaching students and his sessions deliver high quality coaching. I would highly recommend him as a coach for interview preparation!

February 10, 2020

Excellent coach, and very accommodating considering her busy schedule. Super helpful for MMI practice, and the session was worth way more than the hourly price to me. Can’t say enough good stuff about this coaching experience, and I am looking forward towards more. Definitely recommend!

February 9, 2020

Morgan really helped me recognize my weaknesses and provided me with different frameworks to organize my answers. His feedback was very constructive and helpful. I definitely recommend him as coach!

February 7, 2020

She is really detail oriented and sent me a document full of helpful resources after our session. Much appreciated! Thanks Lauren!

February 4, 2020

Jenny is an amazing tutor and I highly recommend people to schedule a session with her. Her brutally honest yet friendly way of giving advice is perfect for anyone looking to get insight into how to improve their approach to the MMI. Beyond helpful!

February 2, 2020

Absolutely amazing. I highly recommend Jenny. She provided constructive criticism and was not only brutally honest, but also coached me effectively, which enables me strengthen the quality of my answers and allowed me to think clearly on how to answer different scenarios. Best prep I have had for my MMI so far!!! Thank you.

February 2, 2020

Jenny is a great coach because she has a strategy and provides personalized feedback which is super helpful. I would book another session with her (the first one was for MMI) and I highly recommend her!

February 2, 2020

I did MMI coaching with Morgan for a dental school interview. He went out of his way to coach me despite my busy schedule and he even customized practice questions to be dentistry-oriented for me. Every session was tailored towards constructively working on my weaknesses and his frameworks provided me with the confidence I needed. He truly cares about students succeeding in their interviews. I would definitely recommend him!

February 1, 2020

she’s very passionate about what she does and it shows. Helpful, supportive and she will do her best to help you. 10/10

January 30, 2020

Jenny is very knowledgeable and understanding! She gave me tools on how to improve myself. Highly recommended !

January 29, 2020

Jenny was super knowledgeable and very dedicated. She helped me determine key points to improve and followed up with me.
I will be taking more sessions with her!

January 29, 2020

Jenny is seriously amazing! She is confident and this made me feel so comfortable. Jenny asks the right questions to get me to think about how I can improve. I left the lesson knowing what to work on and I look forward to having the rest of my sessions with her. I would highly recommend booking several sessions with her in order to feel confident for your interview!

January 27, 2020

Jenny really brought me a lot of value in only one session. She really takes her time, listen to you carefully and gives such great advices. Would recommend her !

January 27, 2020

Jenny is really supportive and she is so knowledgable and organized. Really helped me and I left the lesson space feeling a lot more confident.

January 27, 2020

Jenny is such a supportive person and a very helpful coach! She identifies your weaknesses and partners with you to improve them! I highly recommend her for your interview prep as she’s a wonderful mentor! Thank you for your help Jenny!!

January 26, 2020

Jenny is such a supportive person and a very helpful coach! She identifies your weaknesses and partners with you to improve them! I highly recommend her for your interview prep as she’s a wonderful mentor! Thank you for your help Jenny!!

January 22, 2020

Jenny is a great mentor and coach. She provides clear and comprehensive feedback, strategy and guidance. I would highly recommend booking a coaching session with her!

January 20, 2020

She is extremely knowledgeable and helpful. She clearly and quickly pointed out what I need to work on. Also, She is really passionate about what she is doing. Very helping attitude.

January 12, 2020

Harry is a phenomenal coach. He has a delicate balance of providing practice and advice throughout the coaching experience. He is also very accomodating to scheduling situations. Overall, I am grateful to be coached by Harry, strongly recommend him, and definitely look forward to another session!

January 3, 2020

Had a really productive and resourceful session with Harry! I contacted him for MMI advice, and he was able to pack our 1-hour session with a lot of information and advice on the interview process and preparation. I had to change our meeting time last minute, and Harry was very understanding and rescheduled a new time with me immediately. It was a pleasure to meet with him, and I’ll definitely be scheduling another session before my interview.

December 15, 2019

I am an IMG and Harry opened my eyes on interview process. The thoroughness and originality of his approach to questions are really inspiring and his professionalism is remarkable. I highly recommend his services and I am looking forward to the next sessions with Harry.

December 9, 2019

Manasi is a patient, kind, and understanding person. She is compassionate, and is able to meet you wherever you are in the process. I met with her a few times for MMI interview prep before my interview at Mac, and she truly helped me refine my framework while delivering my thoughts cohesively. She always came prepared with an agenda based on what I told her I felt were my weaknesses and she gave me an idea of what the interview process is like, which definitely prevented me from going in unprepared and doe-eyed. Great coach. Thanks for all your help Manasi!

November 5, 2019

Manasi is a gem and I really appreciated having her as a coach for CASPer! She was extremely knowledgeable and helpful – from sharing her tips for the exams to providing me with constructive feedback, she was always really encouraging and gave valuable advice on how to improve my skills and performance. Generous and honest with her wisdom and experience, she diligently taught me how to approach different types of CASPer questions and develop my own unique voice in answering them efficiently and effectively. Manasi is a really friendly and easygoing coach and person who I hope to work with come interview season as well! ?

November 1, 2019

Excellent coach!! Shalom helped me practice scenarios and provided constructive feedback, which helped me improve my skills and i felt confident during the interview. Thanks Shalom. I highly recommend him.

October 30, 2019

Manasi is an excellent coach. She is knowledgeable about Casper and is very prepared for the sessions. What I enjoy the most is that she is very honest in her feedbacks, which enabled me to objectively face my limitations and helped me to improve beyond an average, decent answer. She knows the direction of thinking to answer Casper questions well, and knows how to communicate her logic clearly. And lastly, she is really nice and is flexible in her schedule to accommodate the students. Really enjoyed her mentorship!

October 28, 2019

Lauren was very helpful and understanding of my questions and concerns. She was encouraging and accommodating, as well as knowledgeable in a lot of subject matter and had great communication skills. I would highly recommend her for anyone needing some practice

October 26, 2019

Shalom is an AMAZING coach!! He really helped to diagnose my problem and gave very constructive advices which helped me a lot . I felt a lot more confident after the sessions. Thank you again:)

October 21, 2019

It was great working with Manasi in preparing for the MMI – I could not have had a better experience! I found her questions and feedback to be incredibly helpful, especially as some focused on the nuances of presentation and not just the content itself. Would recommend to anyone considering Mac. Thanks again Manasi!

April 16, 2019

I found Morgan very helpful during our session for interview prep. We were able to come up with a framework for answers that I felt comfortable with.

April 4, 2019

Allyson was the very first person I practiced with last year. She was helped me build my confidence and use my personal experiences to my advantage. Her sessions were well organized and I felt at ease. I was accepted to McGill this year and she certainly contributed to my success! I highly recommend her to anyone!

April 1, 2019

I had an incredible experience preparing for the MMI with Manasi. She was always engaged during our meetings and paid close attention while listening to my responses. Her feedback was constructive, insightful, and relevant to the specific station I was tackling. She remained supportive over the weeks I worked with her and her comments always felt genuine. Manasi did a great job putting together a set representative questions. Ultimately, she helped me feel much more confident on the day of my interview.

March 27, 2019

Simran was very helpful. We went through a lot of practice questions and they were all useful for my panel interview. I have done a handful of interviews already. I walked out of this panel interview feeling most confident and prepared. Simran is also really approachable and patient. She personalizes the practices for you so that you get the most out of it and makes sure you understand all the feedback she provides before moving onto the next question. Next, she is very experienced as a teacher as she communicates clearly and tells you specifically how you can improve. I highly recommend her to everyone!

March 27, 2019

I think Simran is born a teacher; she has in-depth knowledge about every aspect of MMI scenarios; this profound knowledge coupled with her personal characteristics makes her a trustworthy guide to every applicant who wants to face MMI. I am personally very grateful to have classes with Simran.

March 27, 2019

Allyson is very good at what she does! She works with you to take your answers to the next level. Her feedback is constructive and she makes you feel prepared and good about yourself after even just one quick session. Highly recommend Allyson if you are looking to gain good experience polishing your MMI!

March 26, 2019

Allyson’s goal right from the very start is to get you to start doing stations with her ASAP so that you can get as much practice & feedback on the MMI as you possibly can. Her stations are unique— she creates them herself and barely uses common ones that you can find on the internet. Her feedback is always constructive and encouraging —you will feel motivated & great after doing stations with her rather than feeling down. She 100% deserves a 5 star review.

March 9, 2019

Manasi has been extremely helpful in preparing me for my interview. Her feedback is always constructive. Even when she believes my answer was good, she tries to find ways in which I can improve. She has also been flexible with scheduling and available when I needed. Thank you so much, Manasi!

March 7, 2019

Manasi is an excellent interview coach! She prepares very realistic scenarios that are similar to the style of questions that you would actually get in an MMI. She did a great job of exploring all perspectives that could be taken in MMI scenarios when providing feedback so you know exactly what you missed/need to improve upon in your answers. She is especially helpful with preparing for personal/panel-style interview questions and gives great examples/advice on how to improve your answers so that you can communicate your personal qualities effectively during interviews. As a medical school re-applicant who was rejected post-interview last year, I left my interview this year feeling so much more confident and well-prepared as a result of the support and coaching that I received from Manasi. I would highly recommend Manasi to anyone who is going through the medical school interview process!

March 1, 2019

Manasi has deep understanding of the categories of questions that are likely to be asked on the MMI. Her easy to follow breakdown of the answers that need to follow each type of question, and the proper structure for each answer has been most helpful. I also really enjoyed her personalized feedback after each session. She is a great coach and one that I highly recommend.

February 18, 2019

Allyson is awesome! She used the time we had together to give constructive feedback on mock MMI answers to help my friend and I formulate strong answers by making them relevant, personable, and concise. I would absolutely recommend her. Thanks for your help, Allyson!

February 18, 2019

Allyson was very friendly and professional! She came prepared with questions, was very accommodating, and helped me make effective use of the time. I highly recommend her as an MMI coach!

February 17, 2019

Allyson was friendly, helpful and very accommodating. I would definitely recommend her to anyone looking to apply to medical school!

February 17, 2019

Fantastic to work with. Very supportive, gives very helpful advice in a positive manner. Great at preparing you but also making you feel prepared for your interview after a few short sessions. Very friendly and kind, would recommend to anyone 10/10.

February 17, 2019

I met with Morgan following an unsuccessful application round (one in which I had not sought coaching to prepare my application). Morgan was extremely honest, supportive and nonjudgemental in reviewing my unsuccessful application, providing constructive and insightful feedback and suggestions for how to shape my future application. Morgan helped me to rethink how to put together and formulate personal essays and experiences to highlight aspects of my life and experiences that would read well to an admissions committee – reframing how I will approach my upcoming applications. I fully intend to reach out to Morgan again once the application cycles are open and in the future to (hopefully!) obtain guidance in preparing for interviews. Morgan was also helpful in directing me to certain schools that would view my life experiences and other medical school requirements more favourably.

February 12, 2019

I worked with Simran on practicing for my upcoming MMI interview. She was very receptive and quickly picked up on my weaknesses and strengths, giving her feedback in a kind, understanding, and insightful manner. I appreciated her perceptive approach in responding to my answers to MMI-style scenarios. I felt she really understood my style and helped me gain confidence by pointing out what I was doing well while also addressing my anxiety and certain weaknesses in my approach to scenarios. I felt her feedback has helped me become a better interviewee. I highly recommend her!

February 12, 2019

Simran was incredibly helpful! She asked an excellent variety of questions and gave me really strong feedback to work with. She did a great job breaking down each answer with me so that I could clearly identify my strengths and weaknesses, and had great ideas, techniques and suggestions that I’m excited to implement into my future answers. Would definitely recommend her to other interviewees.

January 29, 2019

Morgan has been supportive, honest and reliable throughout my entire application and interview journey! He provides constructive feedback and helps you identify your key strengths and weaknesses. He provides a helpful framework and approach for each type of interview question and takes the time to ensure you fully understand each step before moving on. His extensive experience and wide range of knowledge is valuable to have in a coach and I am so glad I chose him as my coach!

January 28, 2019

Morgan is currently helping me out with panel interview skills and I find his coaching technique to be excellent. He really helps demystify the process and helps direct your learning and practice. Would highly recommend him ?

January 27, 2019

Simran helped me prepare for an MPI/Traditional Panel interview. She was genuinely invested in seeing my improvement and I really appreciated her constructive feedback. She provided me very helpful tips in addressing my weaknesses and would highly recommend her to fellow interviewees!

January 26, 2019

Morgan is an incredibly insightful coach. He is structured in his coaching and drills in the essentials that will allow you to formulate your answers coherently and effectively. He pushes your answers and ideas towards key criteria that allow you to optimize your answers so the interviewer can both comprehend and appreciate the points you are trying to make. I would definitely recommend him as a coach.

January 26, 2019

Morgan is super flexible with his schedule and a very nice coach! I only had one interview prep session with him so far, but I will surely book more sessions with him. He is super nice and gave me a lot of useful information on MMI. I will highly recommend him as a coach!

January 23, 2019

Morgan is awesome! He’s the nicest guy and extremely helpful! He really teaches you how to leave a good impression on the interviewers and how to think critically about each situation. He is extremely caring and sends you good tips on skype during the session. Not only do I feel more prepared for my application but I learned important values with how to treat others. Book sessions with him!!

December 29, 2018

Manasi has deep understanding of the categories of questions that are likely to be asked on the MMI. Her easy to follow breakdown of the answers that need to follow each type of question, and the proper structure for each answer has been most helpful. I also really enjoyed her personalized feedback after each session. She is a great coach and one that I highly recommend.

December 29, 2018

Morgan is very knowledgeable about the MMI structure and his breakdown for each type of question has been very helpful. I really like his approach for getting the most out of your answers and his constructive feedback is to the point. He is easy to talk to and very flexible. I highly recommend him as a coach.

December 29, 2018

Morgan was wiling to work around my busy schedule and was very helpful in providing frameworks for the different kinds of MMI questions.

December 2, 2018

With just one session i can tell Morgan is very dedicated to helping whoever he coaches, and with the amount of insight he has on the interview process i have gained a lot of confidence about my upcoming interview! His methods for tackling interview questions have saved me from any doubts and i know that with his help acing an interview is now a much more realistic goal. He took notes while doing practice questions with me and was able to give me really specific feedback that allowed me to focus on exactly where i need to improve to do well, rather then just generalized tips that would not allow me to improve as efficiently. I will definitely be recommending Morgan to anyone looking for MMI coaching!

November 16, 2018

Morgan is an excellent medical school interview coach! He goes above and beyond to ensure that he provides specific, helpful feedback. He directed his lesson plans towards areas that I wanted to work on and checked in with me to make sure the coaching sessions were helping me to meet my goals. I have learned a lot from him so far and he does a great job of relating interview techniques to patient communication skills that he is learning in medical school. He provides thorough notes on how to approach panel, acting and MMI style questions and has helped me to understand exactly what I need to focus on in my interview preparation. He creates challenging practice questions which are very similar to the styles of questions that medical schools use in their actual interviews. I am feeling much more confident about my upcoming interview after my sessions with him. I have recommended Morgan to other applicants and would highly recommend him as a coach for anyone looking to improve their interview skills.

November 5, 2018

Morgan has been an incredible interview coach throughout the process. When I first started out with Med Coach, I was hoping to meet with a mentor in-person. Morgan was more than willing to accommodate this when I reached out to him. He replied to my messages quickly and genuinely seemed to be taking my preferences into consideration.

During our sessions, Morgan’s counselling and feedback went above and beyond. He explained different strategies and frameworks thoroughly while ensuring that I had opportunities to ask questions. His feedback was insightful, objective, and always linked back to the frameworks he was helping me develop. I really appreciated how honest and open Morgan was about his own experiences with interviews. It really made the experience feel collaborative.

My time with Morgan has helped me develop both my interview skills and confidence. I would highly recommend him.

November 5, 2018

Morgan was very helpful in helping me develop a strategy for CASPer. He is very understanding and really gives you the opportunity to improve various skills required for more in depth thinking. Because of my session with him, I felt a lot more confident about my CASPer. He definitely knows effective ways to tackle the questions, all in all, a great coach!

EDIT: After an effective CASPer session, I decided to work with Morgan again to prepare for interviews. Morgan is very detailed in his approach to interviews and clearly outlines ways to formulate an optimal answer for any interview question. I really find that he is able to put students in a position where they are able to apply useful interview tactics into their own practice. Am looking forward to continue to work with him to improve my interview skills!

November 5, 2018

I’ve been really really happy with my experience working with Morgan so far. He has lots of great insight into the interviewing process and he always tries to connect MMI questions to real life situations. He’s always positive, non-judgmental and patient and he really takes the time to make sure that I understand. He takes really thorough notes during practice questions and has constructive and really applicable feedback. He’s given me a lot of really useful take-away points which have helped me to structure my own practice time. I’m excited to continue to work with him. I would highly recommend him as a coach.

October 25, 2018

I was hoping to be able to meet in -person for my coaching sessions and was hesitant to go ahead with Skype when I found out there were no coaches in my area. Morgan was recommended to me and I am so glad! Morgan truly goes above and beyond with his coaching and feedback. He is thorough and honest in his approach, and provides direction for what to work on between sessions which has been super helpful for me. I can already see my interview skills improving and I am not even finished with all of my coaching sessions. Morgan is very flexible and accommodating when finding times to meet, which makes this whole process much easier being a full-time student and working part-time. I would recommend Morgan to anyone who is looking to strengthen their MMI and panel interview skills – I think you will notice and almost immediate change!

EDIT: After interviewing a second time (using MedCoach to prepare the second time around), I was accepted to the school of my choice, and I owe so much of my interview success to the sessions I had with Morgan! Even if I didn’t always use the framework/approach we had practiced, It was comforting knowing I had it in my back pocket. Going into the interview, I knew I wouldn’t be thrown off by any question because of the approach I had down pat, which felt natural. I felt confident to answer any questions that were thrown my way, which allowed me to be present during the interview and showcase my strengths.

October 23, 2018

Manasi is polite, kind and very understanding of an applicant’s needs.

I had one CASPER prep session and it was very helpful. Manasi gave many tips and walked through each aspect of the CASPER exam, line by line.

She gave personalized feedback on a CASPER exam I had written with Med Coach (Exam #2).

I highly recommend her for your CASPER preparation. Come interview season, I’m sure she would be a fantastic resource for further coaching.


September 29, 2018

Morgan is such a great coach. He gives helpful and constructive feedback and I would highly recommend him.

August 12, 2018

Un coach organisé et efficace. Nous avons pu travaillé différents types de scénarios en peu de temps. Je vous le recommande fortement. Merci shalom!

April 30, 2018

Very helpful coach! We practiced scenarios and he gave me useful feedback to help me improve my performance.

April 17, 2018

Excellent coach! Helped me out for MMI’s. Was very prepared and provided relevant and helpful feedback. Very patient and accommodating too!

April 17, 2018

Very honest, provides useful insight on how to improve.

April 14, 2018

Helpful & novel perspective. Adapted his advice to my needs and took the time to fully address them. Kept communication open. Definitely helped me prepare!

April 7, 2018

Shalom was great in helping me prep. He provided thoughtful advice and feedback to help me improve my performance. I highly recommend him!

April 5, 2018

Allyson was great! She is very professional and gives fantastic feedback. She was also very accommodating as she was able to put aside 2 hours so that my friend, who also has an interview at NOSM, and I could both practice MMI questions together. We will definitely be booking more sessions before the interview. Thank you again so much Allyson!

April 5, 2018

I am so glad I booked coaching sessions with Allyson to prep for my MMI. She really helped me polish my answers and gain confidence going into my interviews. She was always prepared, willing to answer any questions I had, and just generally easy to talk to. I would recommend Allyson to anyone looking to get honest and constructive feedback on their MMI performance. Thanks so much for all of your help Allyson!

April 3, 2018

Allyson was a fantastic MMI coach. She was beyond professional, and was really able to help me target the areas I felt needed the most improvement. However, even outside of those areas, she provided insightful, thoughtful comments that I feel took my answers to the next level. Even though I was not applying to NOSM, she was knowledgeable about what topics would be important to know for the school I was interviewing for, which I appreciated. Allyson also helped me to establish a method of structuring my answers, but also went over more “superficial” aspects including introducing myself, eye contact, and speech patterns (such as saying “umm”). I felt very comfortable and confident going into my interview, and I attribute this completely to the help I received from Allyson. Honestly, I cannot recommend Allyson enough!

March 29, 2018

I received excellent coaching from Shalom; patient, understanding, helpful and confident. Very knowledgeable and pushes you to think critically with his excellent feedback and constructive criticism. Would definitely recommend !

March 27, 2018

He was a very good coach! Helped me prepare for a variety of scenarios and was helped me organize my answers. He also provided excellent feedback that helped me focus on what I need to work on.

March 13, 2018

Shalom was very approachable and extremely helpful. We practiced different types of questions for which he provided excellent constructive feedback. I left the session with a clear idea of what I need to work on, would highly recommend!! Thanks again Shalom!

March 2, 2018

Allyson was very professional and provided the opportunity for self-evaluation following each question. She provided appropriate feedback, which was relevant to the school I was applying to. Would recommend Allyson to anyone who is looking for assistance with MMi style interviewing! Overall, excellent coach!

February 21, 2018

Allyson has been extremely helpful with my interview preparation for NOSM. She provides constructive criticism which has really helped me in developing the necessary skills for MMI interview styles. I am extremely happy with her as my coach.

February 21, 2018

Jessie was very prepared for my session and offered helpful tips and insight that I hadn’t been exposed to before.

February 20, 2018

Un excellent coach! Ses rétroactions sont précises et constructives. Il est très attentif aux besoins et aux objectifs de l’autre.
Il cible rapidement les points à améliorer et donne les outils nécessaires pour y remédier.

February 15, 2018

I had an amazing session with Jarred. Jarred was very professional and well prepared for the session. The cases and tips he provided were extremely helpful. He really boosted my confidence before my interview. Plus, it is a joy to just listen to him. High recommended!

February 13, 2018

Excellent coach. I left the session with more confidence and a clear idea of what I needed to work on, thanks to Shalom’s constructive feedback and advice.

February 13, 2018

Shalom is has been a very helpful coach and I would highly recommend him

February 13, 2018

My time with Shalom has been extremely efficient. He went above and beyond with regards to the required content needed for my interview. He helped me gain confidence and understanding at the task at hand, guiding me along the way. He has been very approachable throughout the entire process and I’d definitely recommend him to anyone looking to pursue a career in dentistry. Thanks Shalom!

February 12, 2018

Allyson was very professional, friendly, knowledgeable and accommodating. She is also very encouraging. Incorporating her feedback into my practice was an effective way to polish up my responses. I had a few very productive sessions with Allyson and she definitely is a tremendous coach!

February 12, 2018

Shalom was easy to talk to, insightful and accommodating. He was very good at helping me give more natural responses. Excellent coach!

February 12, 2018

Shalom is, without question, a great coach. Yes, he is proficient in MMI, but what is the most important is his unique ability to see and explain your weaknesses and strengths briefly and clearly. I would highly recommend.

February 11, 2018

Allyson is a very friendly and helpful coach. She also comes well prepared to each session, and I would recommend her as a coach.

February 4, 2018

Shalom is such a wonderful coach and I would highly recommend him!! He works with you to ease you into situations and help you achieve the correct frame of mind, which is invaluable! Thank you very much for all that you do Shalom, I really appreciate it!!

February 4, 2018

Shalom was very helpful! We practiced scenarios and looked into making my answers stronger. I felt as though I knew what I needed to work on after our session. I would definitely recommend!

February 3, 2018

I had booked a session with Victoria to understand my style of approaching the MMIs and ways in which I could improve. She was very professional and very helpful- she helped identify my weaknesses and ways in which I could improve my answers. She also provided me with key pointers to make my answers sound more appealing and polished. Thanks very much Victoria. Really appreciate your help with this!

February 3, 2018

Shalom is very approachable, which makes it easy to ask him questions and get the most out of the coaching session. He has interesting stories and insight to share, which make the sessions enjoyable and informative. He respects your pace and lets you take the lead. Highly recommend!

January 28, 2018

Shalom gave me very constructive feedback during my session with him. By the end of our session, we could both agree that incorporating his feedback was already improving my performance. I really appreciated him calling me out on red flags as that allowed me to watch out for them and improve.

July 4, 2017

Extremely helpful

May 5, 2017

Friendly, well-prepared, and had a number of very useful tips, comments, and critiques. I would definitely recommend her as a coach

May 2, 2017

Mei enthusiastically helped me prepare for the McGill MMIs. She challenged me a lot in the acting stations and coached me to better structure my answers for the one-on-one interview questions. She took detailed notes during our sessions which she would email to me afterwards. They helped me identify my weak points and use my prep time effectively. I was able to get into med school and feel very glad to have worked with Mei as I prepped for the interview. I recommend her strongly.

April 14, 2017

The coaching with Ella largely exceeded my expectations. She is a great listener, exudes calm and reaches for the best in us. I highly recommend her.

April 14, 2017

Kelly is very professional, genuine and insightful. I’m very grateful to have worked with her before my interview.

Allyson was very friendly upon first meeting her and really helped me target the skills I wanted to improve for MMI training. She was professional, gave great feedback with the variety of question types she asked, and helped me boost my confidence before my interview. I am happy I booked a few sessions with her, and would recommend her to anyone looking for excellent interview help.

April 3, 2017

Allyson was friendly, helpful, professional, and well-prepared. I would definitely recommend her as a coach.

April 1, 2017

Eliana helped me so much for my McGill interview. I had my lesson about a month about but I just realized that I forgot to leave a reply. Just wanted to give a big thanks to her. Excellent interview tips and super friendly!

March 30, 2017

Ella is amazing, I practiced different scenarios with her. I liked her honest and constructive feedback. She organized the session based on my needs. She is very nice and I love her. She used the one hour time we had together very effectively. Thanks Ella for donating your time.

February 27, 2017

Overall, amazing coach! Ella really helped me express myself in my PN. She is very well prepared and has her own teaching style. She makes sure you understand your mistakes by giving constructive feedbacks and helps you reflect on your pass experiences to become more persuasive. If you really want to take your written application to another level then she is the coach for you!

February 24, 2017

My session with Mei was excellent; she is very approachable, kind, and gives highly constructive feedback. Definitely recommend!

February 11, 2017

Ella est une excellente coach, j’ai pratiqué avec elle beaucoup de scénarios et elle me donne toujours des commentaires tres utiles. Elle m’a aussi aidée a cibler mes faiblesses, ce qui m’a permis de m’améliorer. Ella m’a aussi donnée de tres bons conseils pour la rédaction de mon CV.
Grace a elle, j’ai plus de confiance pour les MEMS.
Je l’a recommande fortement!
Merci Ella 🙂

January 14, 2017

I had a session with Ella. She has her unique style. She’s someone who really care for what she does. She genuinely care about her clients. She’s ready to share her knowledge. She’ll work with you on defining a general framework to understand yourself better as a person and make you think about your inner motivation to enter medicine. She’s someone very intelligent and thoughtful. One point of improvement would be to ask about the expectations of the candidate at the beginning of the meeting to make adjustments during the process.

I had a great experience so far and it definitely helps me being more aware on how I view myself and structure my answers to become more persuasive to obtain my goals. High five Ella!

January 14, 2017

Jieqing was very organized and gave great feedback. I would definitely recommend her to anyone wanting MMI prep for UBC.

December 16, 2016

AMAZING!!!! She and I got along SO well, right from the beginning. So warm, approachable and HELPFUL!

December 15, 2016

The coaching with Ella largely exceeded my expectations. She is a great listener, exudes calm and reaches for the best in us. I highly recommend her.

December 1, 2016

We had a great session 🙂

November 12, 2016

Great coach!

November 1, 2016

I would have liked to have a longer session with Ella (2 hours) to practice more scenarios.

September 1, 2016

Meeting with Kelly B was really good, thank you for your time, my pen had exploded and ended all over my face without me knowing and Kelly still made me feel really comfortable and focused on my strengths.

August 16, 2016

Very good session!

August 10, 2016

Gave helpful tips about how to practice pro/con scenarios by myself. Found the session very helpful. She commented a lot on my non-verbal communication, was helpful.

July 17, 2016

Excellent Coach!

June 29, 2016

My first MedCoach session was terrific!! I was worried initially that one hour would not be enough to do much, but David was extremely organized the session was very productive. He went over the format of the interview, some tips, and then went over 5 or 6 scenarios with me all with very helpful and honest feedback. I just had my interview and can say that if I had not had this session I would have been way less prepared.

June 27, 2016

Linda was a great coach. Very organized and make sure you get the most of the session. She helps you on different skills and makes sure you are ready for your MMI. Would totally recommend for future sessions ? She sends follow up emails-Very Caring of her

June 10, 2016

David offered an approach to look at things differently. He helped me prepare for my Australia applications

June 1, 2016

Jarred helped me understand what went wrong during my last MMI and gave me useful tips on how to not make the same mistakes, and on how to properly answer different prompts. He also put me at ease quickly and he was very nice.

June 1, 2016

Katie is a great coach! I set up several coaching sessions with her – all of which were very helpful! She gives great feedback, as well as pointers to work on until the next meeting. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a great medcoach!

May 29, 2016

Alex was great with providing general feedback regarding my CV, and tips for writing descriptions/ making my application stand out. He summarized all the things we talked about into an e-mail, which was great as I didn’t have to spend time making notes during the session. I would recommend to anyone who is looking for general advice regarding their application. Overall, I found this session reassuring and helpful.

May 27, 2016

Great session!

May 20, 2016

Yuan was very productive in the time that we had, and had constructive feedback. The one concern was that they were not familiar with the interviewing style that was at the school I was interviewing for. Having just finished the interview, the tailoring was a little off because of that.

May 16, 2016

Thanks Amin!

May 15, 2016

Great coaching

May 1, 2016

The coaching with Ella largely exceeded my expectations. She is a great listener, exudes calm and reaches for the best in us. I highly recommend her.

May 1, 2016

Amin was amazing!

April 30, 2016


April 29, 2016

Great coach!

April 29, 2016

I was very happy with my session with Kelly C. She was very organized and had many questions prepared in all possible categories. I found her to be very approachable and easy to communicate with.

April 28, 2016

Ioana’s very good at helping you break down scenario’s and offering suggestions for improvement.

April 28, 2016

Kelly is very good at coaching people in all aspects. It was really helpful for me. I wish to take more sessions with her.

April 28, 2016

Good Session

April 27, 2016

Kelly C is very personable and really tries to make you feel comfortable, it is evident how professional and poised her answers are.

April 26, 2016

Amazing coach!

April 16, 2016

Gave helpful tips about how to practice pro/con scenarios by myself. Found the session very helpful. She commented a lot on my non-verbal communication, was helpful.

April 16, 2016

Great session.

April 15, 2016

Irina was very prepared well ahead of time with some prepared questions and offered advice to prepare for the MMI including a list of books she found helpful. I enjoyed acting out stations and obtaining her feedback and insight. In addition she has a lot of experience with applying and interviewing with other medical schools and a lot of information to share. Thank you Irina.

April 15, 2016


April 15, 2016

Great coach!

April 15, 2016

Great job.

April 15, 2016

I really enjoyed my session with Irina. I found she spoke a little bit quickly at the beginning but we had a great session and I feel more confident about my MMIs now!

April 15, 2016

Irina is a great coach!!!! She takes the time to answer any question you might have and provides amazing feedback!!

March 1, 2016

Great session