Your Time To
Ace The CASPer Test


Your Journey.
Your Way.

At MedCoach, we see you – not just the grades, the accolades, or the textbooks, but the real, passionate you, ready to make a difference with your unique blend of talent and dreams.

Our dedicated team of passionate medical students and residents is on a mission to create an experience that’s as one-of-a-kind as you are. We offer tailored one-on-one coaching, prep courses, and practice tests that will make your journey easy to navigate.

In this high-stakes game of medical admissions, where it’s easy to feel like just another face in the crowd, we’re here to help you shine, not by being anyone else, but by being authentically you.

Application Review

  • Get feedback on your written application
  • Edit your essays
  • Learn to stand out

CASPer Prep

  • Realistic Practice Tests
  • Scoring and feedback
  • See where you stand amongst your peers

Interview Prep

  • Mock Interviews (MMI, MPI or Panel)
  • Tailored To Your Needs

CARMs Coaching

  • Review your application
  • Practice for your match interviews

Exam Prep

  • MCCQE1
  • CCFP SAMP Exam

Affordable High-Quality Coaching & Packages

One-on-one sessions start at $74/hour!





Send messages to coaches


Access to unlimited question generators


Access to prep resources


Stay in the loop



All of Free plus


CASPer Prep Course Covering Theory, Psychology and Techniques to stand out


1 Full-Length CASPer test with written and video responses


2 Hours of Live Feedback and Scoring with a MedCoach



All of Free plus


8 One-On-One Coaching Sessions


Registration to the Live Weekly MMI Prep course


Access to previous course recordings


CanMEDs Case Studies Course



All of Free plus Interview plus


CASPer Prep Course


5 MiniCASPer tests with feedback and scoring


1 Full-Length CASPer test with written and video responses


Unlimited questions & support


Choose Your Coach. Learn To Stand Out.

Choose Your Coach

Choose Your Coach

Visit the Find A Coach page to view all of our coach profiles.

Book Your Session

Book Your Session

Visit the Booking page to choose the date and time of your session


Meet Your Coach

Meet Your Coach

Coaching time! You can send your coach your goals for the session beforehand.


Review and Stand Out

Review and Stand Out

Reviewing your strengths and weaknesses and practice to stand out!

Can’t Find The Availability That You Want? Message The Coach To See If They Can Accomodate!

Empowering Change through Affordability and Charity

Years Experience

Sessions Coached

$ Donated To Charity

Recent MedCoach Reviews



Abe was a great teacher in the Weekly MMI Course and a great coach one-on-one as well. He gave me a lot of great advice and feedback, which improve my MMI skills and helped land me 2 med school offers this spring! I would highly recommend working with Abe, especially if you are applying to any of the med schools in Western Canada.


Incoryable coach! Je sui vraiment heureuse d’avoir pu preparer mon casper et mon entrevue avec elle. Honnetement au debut j’essayait d’avoir 2 autres coach qui avaient plus de reviews mais sois elle n’etait pas disponnible, soit elle ne repondais jamais. Alors finalement je suis tomber sur elle et MERCI DIEU je suis tomber sur elle. Super gentille et amicale, ses sceances sont strucurés pour que tu pusisses apprendre le plus de choses avec le temps que tu lui offres. Elle connais tous les petits trucs que tu dois savoir pour te démarquer et va beaucoup t’aider pour la structure de tes reponses. Elle sais comment fonctionne le casper et les MMI et va rechercher a te demarquer plutot que juste donner une bonne reponse et c’est ca qui va faire la difference. Meme quand elle etait occuper avec ses examens, elle a trouver des moments pour me faire une sceance. Si vous cherchez quelqu’un de gentil, super amical et va te permettre de mieux performer, tu peux aller la voir les yeux fermer. Je recommande et rechercherai encore avec elle si elle quand ce serais mon moment de rentré en residence. Cinq étoiles!


incredible coach! she gives you all the right tips to prepare for your interview and knows what you should change and work on to be part of the 5% that gives the best interview. She is also super friendly and kind, and knows how to engourage you when you are stressed. I recommend!


Yasmine a été une coach superbe lors de ma préparation pour mon entretien avec uOttawa. Elle m’a donné de très bon conseils pratiques, et des ressources utiles. Elle m’a aussi formé très efficacement dans mes entretiens de préparations, et elle s’est adaptée à mon horaire pour organiser nos rencontres. Je lui suis énormément reconnaissante pour son soutient et la confiance qu’elle m’a permis de développer avant mon entretien – merci Yasmine!


Yasmine m’a beaucoup aidée dans ma préparation aux MEM. Plusieurs de ses conseils m’ont servie pendant les vraies entrevues. Elle est bien au courant des enjeux sociétaux actuels, ce qui est vraiment aidant pour ceux qui lisent moins les nouvelles. Ses mises en situation et questions sont très variées, uniques et bien réfléchies, ce qui rend les pratiques efficaces et permet d’apprendre à se débrouiller dans toute sorte de situation. Ses feedbacks sont très détaillées et intelligents, ce qui est très aidant. Elle est trop gentille en plus; je recommande fortement!


Yasmine analyse en profondeur nos réponses en mentionnant les points forts et ceux à améliorer. Elle est particulièrement investie lors des feedbacks de sorte qu’on en tire constamment des apprentissages! Merci!


Ahmed est très à l’écoute de nos préoccupations. Il m’a beaucoup encouragé et ça se voit qu’il est investit dans notre amélioration!


The coaching session I had with Ahmed provided me with more information than I had anticipated. He is a very patient and informed tutor that guided through the steps to take when faced with the different scenarios, as well as giving me tips to improve. Would certainly recommend!

Achieving Dreams Together

At MedCoach, our goal is to provide high-quality coaching services that are accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. We understand the importance of education and healthcare, and we’re committed to making a positive impact on both.

Through our bursary program, we offer financial assistance to students in need, and we also donate a portion of our profits to healthcare-related charities each year.

Thank you for considering MedCoach, and we look forward to helping you achieve your dreams!